This article will guide the player on where to find 2 Secret Celebration Crates in WOW: The War Within in the 20th Anniversary Event.
1) Celebration Crate
The first location is located in Deadwind Pass in the Eastern Kingdoms.

In Deadwind Pass, fly to the western side building in Karazhan.

Enter the crypt named “Forgotten Crypt” in Morgan’s Plot.

Go down into the crypt, and once you see the sand, take the right side path and then immediately right again into the narrow path going down.

Once you reach the end, you will see sand again. Then go to the far left side to see the water.

Cross the water, then head to the far left side to find the Dirt Cake Celebration Crate.

2) Celebration Crate
For the second crate, head over to the Thousand Needles in Kalimdor.

Enter the underwater carven named Sunken Dig Site located on the southwestern part of the Thousand Needles. Refer to the map below.

Before entering the Carven use the Idol of Ohn’ahra. This will point the direction to move with a blue light. Follow the blue light to find a note behind a pipe.

Next, go to Aszuna.

In Aszuna, go to the road connecting Ruined Sanctum and Felbaze Ingress. Keep looping around the road until you find an NPC – Vashti the Wandering Merchant.

Speak with the Vashti the Wandering Merchant to buy Sandy Celebration Crate for 500 Coins.