This article will guide the player on where to find the 8th Celebration Crate locations in WOW: The War Within.
Proceed to Ashenvale in Kalimdor to locate the 8th Celebration Crate.
*For Alliance players, go to Mount Hyjal by taking the portal in Stormwind and fly to Ashenvale.
*Horde players should head to Orgrimmar and fly to Ashenvale.

In Ashen Veil, head to the top of the volcano. Be cautious, as falling here makes it impossible to reach your body, so if you do die, use the spirit healer—its debuff lasts only 60 seconds.

At the summit, you’ll find a blue potion on the ground. This potion provides the Potion of Truth buff for 30 minutes.

After taking the potion, fly directly south to Feralas, heading specifically to the Coliseum in the Dire Maul area.

Upon reaching the Coliseum in Dire Maul, drop down into the right-side corner where you’ll find the crate for the Middle Thewi Celebration.

Return the crate to Alex at the Caverns of Time.