This guide will show readers how to complete the favor (Side Quest) “A Viking Funeral” in God of War Ragnarok released on November 8th, 2022. A Viking Funeral is also a collectible in this (Side Quest) for Lunda in God of War Ragnarok.
You need to complete the Main Story before you can start the “A Viking Funeral” Favor (Side Quest) for Lunda
A Viking Funeral – Favor (SideQuest)
Talk to Lunda at any of the shops after completing the story to start the Side Quest.

Attend the funeral
Next, proceed to Raeb’s Tavern in Nidavellir and interact with Brok’s corpse inside the Tavern.

Meet the party at the Sverd Sands
Players now need to proceed to Sverd Sands. Go South from the Mystic Gateway on the southern tip of the Aurvangar Wetlands. There use the pulley bridge to reach the Sverd Sands.

Interact with Brok’s corpse again to end the quest and earn the trophy – Attend the funeral