Absorb Nightmare Clouds in your Surroundings Wuthering Waves

This article will guide the player on how to complete the objective “Absorb Nightmare Clouds in your surroundings” in the game Wuthering Waves.

To solve the Nightmare Cloud puzzles, players need to transform into Lottie Lost. In this form, they can remove residual Nightmare energy surrounding specific items. While in the form of Lottie Lost, players can use the magic book as a vacuum to absorb and clear Nightmare Clouds.

Approach a cluster of Nightmare Clouds and transform into Lottie Lost. While in this form, aim the magic book at the Nightmare Clouds to collect them. Nightmare Clouds on or near the ground can be absorbed directly without any issues.

To absorb the cloud on the pillar, start by pulling the pillars closer together, then proceed to collect the cloud. If you’re unable to move the pillars, try restarting the game, as this puzzle appears to have a bug.

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