This guide shows the location of all 10 Mysteriums in the Spiderman 2 game, which released on 20 October 2023. Completing all Mysteriums is required to unlock the Behind the Masks trophy and Smoke and Mirrors Suit. Mysteriums unlock after Main Quest 13: Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt. They are combat challenges, in which you are ranked based on how quickly you complete the challenge.
1) Harlem (Under Construction)
Defeat all the enemies within 1:00 minutes to get Gold.

2) Upper East Side (Prison Break)
Defeat all the enemies within 2:15 minutes to get Gold.

3) Central Park (Everyone’s A Critic)
Defeat all 30 enemies in less than 1 minute and 45 seconds to get gold.

4) Midtown (The Invisible Enemy)
For gold, you need to perform 6 finishers within 2:10 minutes.

5) Chinatown (Fight on Time)
For gold, you need to perform 6 finishers within 3:30 minutes.

6) Downtown Brooklyn (Fear Of Heights)
For gold, you need to knock 15 enemies off the roof within 1 minute 30 seconds.

7) Williamsburg (Grave Decision)
For gold, defeat all the enemies without getting hit.

8) Williamsburg (Road Rage)
For gold, defeat all the enemies without getting hit.

9) Downtown Queens (Punch Your Ticket)
For gold, you must defeat 6 Brutes within 2 minutes.

9) Downtown Brooklyn (Grand Finale)
Enter the carnival and defeat the enemies and the boss. Then you will find yourself in an infinite loop hallway. Turn around to find the exit, which will bring you to the second boss fight. Defeat the boss to complete the Grand Finale. This will unlock the Behind the Masks trophy and Smoke and Mirrors Suit.