This article will guide you to find all 4 Spider-Bots in the Downtown Brooklyn area of Marvel’s Spiderman 2. Spider-Bots are the unique collectibles that won’t show up on your map. You’ll need to locate them by watching out for the big pink pulse that appears around them and listening for the sound they make when you get close.
1) Spider-Bot: Peni Parker
Peni Parker, the Spider-Bot, can be found in the northeastern part of Downtown Brooklyn. Look for it on the south wall of the building with rectangular glass windows.
2) Spider-Bot: Sensational Spider-Man
You can locate it on the western side of Downtown Brooklyn. On your map, find the highway that runs straight from north to south. Go to the middle of this highway section where there’s an opening underneath. The Spider-Bot can be found on the southern wall.
3) Spider-Bot: Mysterio
The Spider-Bot named Mysterio is situated at the southern tip of Downtown Brooklyn. Go to the central roof of the southeastern building. Examine the structures on the middle rooftop to spot the Spider-Bot moving along the inside wall of one of them.
4) Spider-Bot: Superior
You’ll discover the Superior Spider-Bot in the southeastern area of Downtown Brooklyn. Look for it on the support columns on the north side of the lake, specifically beneath the train bridge.