All 4 Sacred Archives Puzzle | Find a New Time Power | Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

This article will guide you on how to complete all 4 Sacred Archives Puzzle for the objective Find a New Time Power in the game Prince of Persia The Lost Crown.

Sacred Archives Puzzle 1 (Bottom Left Puzzle)

In the first puzzle room, you’ll see three statues, two levers on the wall, and one paper with a golden glow behind a cage door. You have to get the paper to finish the puzzle.

Stand on the pedestal near the statues and interact with it to start the puzzle. In the first movement, hop onto any of the walls and then use Rush of the Simurgh to dash to the opposite wall. Grab the lever and hold it down until the timer ends.

In the second movement, you need to clone your previous movement to grab and hold the other levers. Just jump on the other wall and dash to the opposite side to grab the lever.

For the final movement, wait for the clone to grab both levers. This will make the cage door open and can go through it.

Sacred Archives Puzzle 2 (Bottom Right Time)

In the first movement, head to the right side and jump on the lever. Hold it down for a few seconds as this will slide out another wall for your next movement. Then hop back to the left to stand on the floor switch. Stay on it till the timer ends.

For the second movement, wait for the first clone to pull down the wall switch. Now jump onto the lower platform, and then onto the wall lever to the left. Hold it down and this will slide out another wall.

For the third movement, wait for the 2nd clone to grab the lever and then you have to time your jumps to use the walls that slide out by the clones.

Sacred Archives Puzzle 3 (Top-left puzzle)

Activate the puzzle, then swiftly navigate through the rooms: ascend and move to the right, change direction to proceed upwards and to the left, and finally descend into the U-shaped section along the left wall.

After completing the ascent, proceed to head to the right. Locate a floor switch positioned near the ceiling on the right side of the room.

On your last movement, climb up to the main room and wait on the wooden platform. When your clone lands on the switch, jump up to grab the tablet on the right.

Sacred Archives Puzzle 4 (Top-Right  puzzle)

For the first movement head right and drop down to the floor below. Stand on the switch in the middle of the room to activate a broad horizontal platform and open a gate.

For the second step, remain above until the first clone steps on the switch in the middle of the room, then jump down onto the new horizontal platform. Deploy a Shadow of the Simurgh and utilize the pathway in the middle to reach and activate the lever.

As your third move, stay ahead of the first clone to place a clone at the end of the horizontal platform. Now wait until the first clone triggers the switch in the middle of the room to go back to the horizontal platform.

Wait for the second clone to activate the lever at the top. Subsequently, dash and head to the upper-right corner of the room.

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