There is a total of 45 Spartan Cores in Halo Infinite. These are used to upgrade Master Chief’s gear, such as your grapple and shields. Few of these Spartan Cores are part of missions and some are available in the open world. This guide shows the location of all the Spartan Cores in the game.
For the ease of the guide, the entire map has been divided into four sections: AREA 01, AREA 02, AREA 03, AREA 04. This guide will help you to locate all 45 Spartan Cores distributed all over in the four marked areas.

It is the northern part of the map and includes 17 Spartan Cores.
#1. Outpost Tremonius – Spartan Core
As the third mission ‘Outpost Tremonius‘ starts in Halo Infinite, you come up using the elevator. As you head down the hallway, you can find the flashing green UNSC box containing a Spartan Core.

#2. Outpost Tremonius – Spartan Core
After exiting the Foundation ship, go to the right side and follow the cliffside path. You will find the second Spartan Core near the wreckage on the left side. I have marked the location on the map.

#3. Outpost Tremonius – Spartan Core
From the previous location, go back to the front of the Foundation ship ( from where you exit). Go straight to pass the first building in front of you, and then take a left. You will find the third Spartan Core behind the building.

#4. Spartan Core
This is located southeast of Outpost Tremonius as shown in the image. It is inside a cave beneath the forerunner structure.

#5. Spartan Core
Located on the western side of the ring near a small UNSC entrenchment as shown on the map.

#6. Spartan Core
Located at the Banished outpost – Armory of Reckoning. It can be found inside an underground passage on the southern side. Destroy the nearby power core to disable the energy shield blocking the underground passage gate.

#7. Spartan Core
Located on a smaller Banished Outpost as shown on the map. To reach the core use the lower building and use the underground path to make your way to the other banished building. After using the gravity lift you will find the spartan core.

#8. Spartan Core | Excavation Site
This Spartan Core can be found at the ‘Excavation Site‘ on the top of the mountain to the southwest of the main mining machine. Below is the screenshot of the Spartan Core’s location.

#9. Spartan Core | Excavation Site
Next Spartan Core at the Excavation Site is located at the southeast corner as shown on the map. Enter the building at the bottom of the cliff and look upon the left to find Spartan Core

#10. Spartan Core
This Spartan Core is located on the eastern edge of the area as shown on the map. The spartan core is in a dungeon beneath the forerunner structure. The entrance can be found northeast of the structure down the cliff.

#11. Spartan Core | Horn of Abolition
Located at the Banished outpost – Horn of Abolition. The core is inside a half-buried building at the edge of the outpost. Enter from above the building.

#12. Spartan Core
Located on the southern tip of the area as shown on the map. Just drop down from the cliff to find the mouth of the cave.

#13. Spartan Core
Located in the wreckage of a pelican near a forerunner spire as shown in the below image.

#14. Spartan Core | Redoubt of Sundering
Located at the Banished outpost – Redoubt of Sundering. The core is kept near ammo crates.

#15. Spartan Core
The spartan core is inside a crashed bumblebee escape pod as shown on the map and image below.

#16. Spartan Core | Forge of Teash
This Spartan Core is located at the Banished outpost – Forge of Teash. It is located on the second level inside the main building with a large crane.

#17. Spartan Core
Spartan Core is located inside the beam tower west of the previous spartan core location as shown in the map.

Area 2
There are eight Spartan Cores in this area. This is the same area where the main mission ‘The Tower‘ is set.

#18. The Tower | Spartan Core – 1
This Spartan Core is part of the main mission ‘The Tower‘. This core is outside the main tower structure. For the ‘Find a way to end the Lockdown’ objective and to activate the lift, you will need to go inside a building marked by a weapon on the map. The spartan core is beneath the structure and inside a banished crate on the left side of the building near the gravity lift.

#19. The Tower – Spartan Core – 2
This Spartan core is inside the tower on the third floor. Use the gravity lift to enter the tower and take the ramp to reach the 3rd-floor level. Here you will find the Spartan Core as shown below after you run past the path (ramp) to the fourth floor.

#20. Spartan Core – 3
This is along the northern ridge of the area as shown on the map. It is within the view (south of ) Redoubt of Sundering Banished outpost.

#21. Spartan Core – 4
The next Spartan Core can be found in an open area, south of the “The Tower” area as marked on the map.

#22. Spartan Core – 5
This Spartan Core can be found within the wreckage of a Pelican on the western edge of the area.

#23. Spartan Core – 6 | Ransom Keep
This Spartan Core is located at the Banished outpost – Ransom Keep. In Ransom Keep, you can find the Spart Core on the southern part of the map. It is just in front (south) of a steel ramp while coming down from the silos yard.

#24. Spartan Core – 7
This is located on the eastern edge of Area 2 or southeast of the Ransom Keep Banished outpost.

#25. Spartan Core – 8
This can be found south of the previous location, within the large divide that splits the region as shown in the map. The spartan core is lying along with UNSC gears.

Area 3 – Pelican Down
The next five Spartan Core are part of the Pelican down the main mission
#26. Spartan Core – 1
This one is east of the Pelican Down marker as shown below.

#27. Spartan Core – 2 | Western AA Gun
It is at the location marked below.
#28. Spartan Core – 3 | Easter AA Gun
This one is inside a small cave near the eastern Gun Battery as shown below.

#29. Spartan Core – 4 | Northern AA Gun
It is inside a small room on the north side of the northern Gun battery as shown in the picture below.

#30. Spartan Core – 5
This one is at the southwest side of the northern Gun battery as shown in the pictures below.

Area 4
This area is available when you reach the mission The Sequence.
#31. Spartan Core – 1
This one is located on the northeastern edge as shown on the map. The core is found within the Pelican debris.

#32. Spartan Core – 2
This is located south of the previous location on the eastern side of the area as marked on the map. The core is lying in the open

#33. Spartan Core – 3
This core is found within a secret cave or a gap in hexagonal columns. This is close to a large crevice in the landscape.

#34. Spartan Core – 4
From the previous location, head to the other side of the crevice. This core is located atop of mountain as marked on the map.

#35. Spartan Core – 5 | Riven Gate
This can be found in Banished outpost – Riven Gate. Go to the southern edge of the outpost near a man cannon, you will find core in a banished building. Go inside the building and follow the path in the back until you find the core.

#36. Spartan Core – 6
This is located in the northern part of crevices as shown in the image below.

#37. Spartan Core – 7
It is inside a secret cave on the northern side of the area. One entrance is on the northern edge of the cliff and the second entrance is from the roof of the cave.

#38. Spartan Core – 8
It is also inside a hidden cave within the hexagonal column on the northern side of the area as marked on the map. It is south of the forerunner beam tower.

#39. Spartan Core – 9
Located at the upper level of the affirmation beam tower as shown in the image.

#40. Spartan Core – 10
It is located within the wreckage of the UNSC ship on the western side as shown in the image.

#41. Spartan Core – 11
It is in a banished camp south of the previous core location. The core is behind the forerunner door.

#42. Spartan Core – 12 | Annex Ridge
This is located within Banished outpost Annex Ridge. The core is inside a shed next to a large building.

#43. Spartan Core – 13
It is located under the beam tower’s platform on the southern side of the area.

#44. Spartan Core – 14
It is located near a beam tower on the western side of the area marked on the map.

#45. Spartan Core – 15
Inside a hidden cave in the north, a marked on the map. Head inside the cave to collect the core.