All 61 Windchimer Locations in Wuthering Waves

Wuthering Waves: All 61 Windchimer Locations

This guide shows the location of all 61 Windchimers in Wuthering Waves. WIndchimer can be exchanged for resources when handed over to Xian’ge.

Windchimer 1

Windchimer 2

Windchimer 3

Windchimer 4

Windchimer 5

Windchimer 6

Windchimer 7

Jump down the edge of the cliff and you will find the WIndchimer somewhere in the middle of the mountain wall as shown in the pictures below.

Windchimer 8

Windchimer 9

Hand down from the edge of the cliff to reach the Windchimer.

Windchimer 10

Windchimer 11

Windchimer 12

Windchimer 13

Windchimer 14

Windchimer 15

Jump to the location marked in the pictures below to get the Windchimer.

Windchimer 16

Windchimer 17

Windchimer 18

Jump down near the edge as shown in the pictures below to get the Windchimer.

Windchimer 19,20,21 (Truthseeker’s Pass Middle Tier)

There are three in Truthseeker’s Pass Middle Tier. One is right in front of the Resonance Beacon as shown in the third picture below. Go Northwest from the Beacon and you will find one hanging above the hole on the roof as shown in the fourth picture below. Go southwest from the resonance beacon to find the third one behind a door as shown in the fifth picture below.

Windchimer 22,23 (Truthseeker’s Pass Lower Tier)

From the previous Resonance Beacon go southwest. Go through the door as shown in the picture below and then jump down the hole on the floor in the next room to reach Truthseeker’s Pass Lower Tier. There you will find two Windchimers at the locations marked by yellow circle in the map shown below. One is near the hole where you fall as shown in the third picture below. Proceed further ahead to find the next one as shown in the fourth picture below.

Windchimer 24,25 (Truthseeker’s Pass Upper Tier)

Go to the Resonance Beacon shown in the picture below. Use the jumping mechanism there as shown in the second picture below to reach Truthseeker’s Pass Upper Tier. There you will find two Windchimers at the locations marked by yellow circle in the map shown below. The location of the Windchimers is shown in fourth and fifth pictures below.

Windchimer 26

Windchimer 27

Windchimer 28

Go to the location marked in the pictures below and use the mechanism there to build the structure. Then go to the top of the structure to get the Windchimer as shown in the third picture below.

Windchimer 29

Windchimer 30

Windchimer 31

Jump down from the cliff and you will find the WIndchimer at the lower level under the bridge as shown in the picture below.

Windchimer 32,33

Windchimer 34

Windchimer 35

Go to the marked location. Then climb up the wall on the north side to find the Windchimer at the top as shown in the pictures below.

Windchimer 36

At the same location as the previous one, interact with the Clang Bang as shown in the picture below to start the challenge. As the challenge starts, you will become an ice cube. Then come down the stairs and jump attach the ice covering the hole in the ground as shown in the picture below. This will clear the hole, completing the challenge. Now jump down the hole and below you will find a Windchimer in the corner behind a tree as shown in the second picture below.

Windchimer 37

Go southwest from the Resonance Beacon shown in the picture below and you will find the Windchimer on the platform at the edge of the cliff as shown in the second picture below.

Windchimer 38

Windchimer 39

Windchimer 40,41

There are two Windchimers at the location shown in the picture below. The first one is on top of the cliff at the marked location. Jump down from the marked location, and you will find the second one hanging from the lower surface of the cliff projection as shown in the third picture below.

Windchimer 42

Windchimer 43

Windchimer 44

Windchimer 45

Jump down the cliff and you will see the Windchimer at the lower level as shown in the pictures below.

Windchimer 46

Windchimer 47

Windchimer 48

Windchimer 49

Move ahead along the tunnel from the Resonance Beacon and you will soon find the Windchimer on the left side as shown in the pictures below.

Windchimer 50

Jump down the edge as shown in the picture below and land on the ground at the lower level. There you will see the Windchimer hanging from the roof as shown in the second picture below.

Windchimer 51

Climb up the stone pillar at the marked location and the Windchimer will be at the top of it.

Windchimer 52

Go to the marked location. Use the mechanism there to reach the first floor of the structure ahead as shown in the pictures below. There you will find the Windchimer in a corner inside.

Windchimer 53

Windchimer 54

Windchimer 55

From the marked location, go north and enter the cave ahead as shown in the second picture below. Proceed ahead inside the cave and soon you will find the Windchimer on the right wall as shown in the second picture below.

Windchimer 56

Windchimer 57,58,58

There are three Windchimers at the marked location as shown in the pictures below.

Windchimer 60

Jump down the cliff at the marked location and you will find the WIndchimer at the lower level as shown in the pictures below.

Windchimer 61

Go to the cave behind the waterfall at the marked location to get the Windchimer as shown in the pictures below.

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