This guide shows the location of all 6 FNSM Requests and how to complete them in the Spiderman 2 game, which released on 20 October 2023. Completing all FNSM Requests unlocks the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man trophy.
1) Find Grandpa (Downtown Brooklyn FNSM Request)
You get the mission by talking to Tasha at the location shown in the pictures below. She will tell you that her Grandpa Earl is missing and will give you a photo that her Grandpa was looking at the entire day.

Find Photo Location
Go south to the location shown in the pictures below. Scan the letter there as shown in the second picture below. then pick up the letter and read it.

Search the Botanical Garden
Go northeast to reach the Botanical garden. Scan the inhaler there as shown in the picture below. Pick up the inhaler to start a corruption puzzle. Destroy the red corrupted atoms to complete the puzzle. The puzzle can be skipped from the pause menu.

Follow Trail
Completing the corruption puzzle will make a trail appear as shown in the picture below. Follow the trail to reach the Grandpa. Talk to him to complete the request.

2) Rooftop Fireworks (Little Odessa FNSM Request)
Go to the rooftop at the location shown in the picture below. There will be a Fireworks accident there and you will need to carry the person to the hospital. From there, go east to the objective marker on the waterfront. Defeat the criminals there. Then press L1+R1 to throw the fireworks. Press R1 to shoot webs on the fireworks to blow it up in midair. Getting rid of all the fireworks completes the request.

3) Graffiti Trouble (Little Odessa FNSM Request)
This request will be unlocked after you have completed Main Quest 14: Funky. Go to the flower shop at the location shown in the pictures below as Miles Morales and talk to the man inside. Then you will play as Hailey.

Go inside the flower shop and follow the instructions on the screen to paint graffiti. Then you will be pointed to another graffiti location. Jump the fence, and go to the second graffiti location. Follow the instructions on the screen to paint graffiti. After this, you will be pointed to the third Graffiti location on the roof. Your next objective will be to find a way to the roof.
From the previous graffiti location, turn right and walk on the wooden plank to cross the gap. The wooden plank will break midway and you will fall down. Climb up the wall ahead. Then turn left and you will see a Spiderman toy on top of the fence. Throwing a stone at the toy will make it fall down and the cat will go and grab it.

Squeeze through the gap on the fence. Then turn left and jump across the pipe. Climb up the stairs ahead. There you will find an elevator as shown in the picture below. Take the elevator down. Hop off the elevator and climb up the stairs again. This time, walk over the top of the elevator to reach the other side as shown in the second picture below.

Proceed ahead and walk over the wooden plank hugging the wall to cross to the other side. There you will find a red button. Press it to send the elevator down. Then stand at the top of the elevator. Grab a stone and throw it at the red button as shown in the picture below. This will take you up along with the elevator. Then climb up the wall ahead and draw the final graffiti. This will complete the request.

4) Photo Help (Midtown FNSM Request)
This request will be available after you have completed Main Quest 13: Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt. Talk to the woman on top of the building shown in the pictures below to start the request. After talking to her, interact with the newspaper near her. Then ride the bicycle to the marked location. Defeat the criminals there and retrieve the pictures. Then sell the pictures to JJJ to complete the request.

5) Howard (Financial District FNSM Request)
Go to the location shown in the picture below and talk to Howard. You will find him sitting on the stairs by the water. During the conversation, he will ask you to look at the Statue of Liberty on the left side. Must must look there for the conversation to continue. After the conversation is over, fly towards the objective marker. Once you reach there, the marker will shift to another location. Keep flying from marker to marker until you have taken the birds to their destination. This completes the request.

6) Monster of Queens (Astoria FNSM Request)
Go to the location marked on the map below and talk to old lady Alma to start the quest. Investigate the liquid in the back left part of the garden. Start following the path that ends at a little river. There, check out the bloody fingerprints and the liquid on the ground behind the car. Then continue following the path, which will lead you to a yard with a robot. Distract the robot by shooting the highlighted objects. Finally, defeat the enemies and go back to the quest giver.