There is a total of 40 Banished Propaganda Towers in the Halo Infinite. Propaganda Towers are one of several kinds of Area Collectibles in Halo Infinite scattered all over Zeta Halo. These are more destructible items than collectibles. This guide shows the location of all the Propaganda Towers in the game.
For the ease of the guide, the entire map has been divided into four sections: AREA 01, AREA 02, AREA 03, AREA 04. This guide will help you to locate all 40 Propaganda Towers distributed all over the four marked areas.

Area 01
Propaganda Tower #01
It is located atop a mountain just southwest of Outpost Tremonius.

Propaganda Tower #02
It is located in a large open area just south of Outpost Tremonius as shown on the map.

Propaganda Tower #03
It is located in the shadow of a banished forerunner structure just southeast of Outpost Tremonius as shown on the map.

Propaganda Tower #04
This is located south of the previous tower (and lake) in a large open area and near a dirt road

Propaganda Tower #05
Located southeast of FOB Alpha. The tower is near the edge of the mountain.

Propaganda Tower #06
Located on the other side of Mountain and west of Banished Outpost Excavation Site as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #07
Locate atop of a mountain and overlooking Banished Outpost Excavation Site on the south

Propaganda Tower #08
The tower is located at the eastern edge of the area as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #09
Located just down the hill and west of FOB Bravo.

Propaganda Tower #10
Located atop of a mountainside and south of Banished Outpost Horn of Abolution.

Propaganda Tower #11
Located at the marked location near a dirt road.

Propaganda Tower #12
Located just east of FOB Charlie

Propaganda Tower #13
Located northwest of Forge of Teash, on top of a mountain.

Propaganda Tower #14
Located on the far western side on top of a mountain as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #15
Located south of the previous tower at the edge of the main area. Marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #16
Located north of FOB Echo near a dirt road as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #17
Located atop of a mountain overlooking the spire. Located west of Spire, as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #18
Located just south of FOB Delta and east of Affirmation tower.

Area 02
Propaganda Tower #19
Located just southeast of FOB Foxtrot and across the watery crevice from The Tower as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #20
Located east of the previous tower as marked on the map, you can find the propaganda tower near a dirt road.

Propaganda Tower #21
Located on the eastern edge of the area. It is across the gap from the forerunner spire.

Propaganda Tower #22
Located on the western side of the area as marked

Propaganda Tower #23
Located near the southernmost tip of area 02.

Area 03
Propaganda Tower #24
Located on the southern edge of area 03 not very far away from where Pelican crashed.

Propaganda Tower #25
Located northeast of Western AA Gun and can be found atop of a mountain.

Propaganda Tower #26
Located on the northern ridge as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #27
Located west of Eastern AA gun as marked on the map.

Area 04
Propaganda Tower #28
Located Northeast of FOB November.

Propaganda Tower #29
Located on the side of a mountain along the southern edge of the area and below a banished bridge, as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #30
Located west of the lake on top of a mountain.

Propaganda Tower #31
Located at the marked location. The tower is atop a mountain.

Propaganda Tower #32
Located near mountain base as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #33
Located in a crevice atop a mountain as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #34
Located atop of forerunner column as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #35
Located on the western side of the area and near a crashed bumblebee crashed pod as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #36
Located southwest from the last location and along the western edge.

Propaganda Tower #37
Located at the marked location and atop of a small mountain.

Propaganda Tower #38
Located south of FOB Hotel as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #39
Located south of Banished Outpost Annex Ridge as marked on the map.

Propaganda Tower #40
Located on the southern edge as marked.