How to complete the “Help the Devilish Ox” Quest
This article will guide you on “All Strange Ox Encounters” to show you the secret behind the strange Ox and how to make the strange Ox an ally in the quest “Help the Devilish Ox” in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3).
Strange Ox (Act 1 – Emerald Grove)
In Act 1, you will get the chance to meet the Ox for the first time in the northwest part of Emerald Grove. Use the “Speak with Animal” spell to start a conversation with the Ox. In the first meeting, the Ox won’t reveal much information. If you pass the [Intimidation] check, the ox will only tell you that he is going to Baldur Gate.

Strange Ox (Act 2 – Last Light Inn)
During Act 2, the player will get another opportunity to meet the Ox. Ox is inside a stable located at the Last Light Inn. Upon successfully passing a [Persuasion] check, the Strange Ox will expose unsettling visions of violence and lifeless bodies. It will express its desire to remain solely an Ox rather than being a Kindred Spirit.

Strange Ox (Act 3 – Rivington)
In the course of Act 3, you will once more come upon the Ox inside an old wooden hut situated to the southeast of the Rivington waypoint. Here, the Ox will share its aspiration of gaining entry into the city. It will put forward a plan where it can transform into a small apple, which you can then discreetly tuck into the pocket for easy passage.

Pick up the apple once the Ox transforms into an apple.

Help the Devilish Ox Reward
Proceed to the Lower City. The quest ends immediately upon your arrival in the Lower City, and you will obtain the Shapeshifter’s Boon Ring along with a “Thank You” note.

Strange Ox Becomes an Ally
The Strange Ox will become your ally & help you in the Final Battle.