All Yudia Vista Locations in Lost Ark

  • Post published:March 22, 2022
  • Post category:Lost Ark

This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on how to collect all Vistas of Yudia continent in the game Lost Ark. Vistas are scenic areas of the game where if you obtain them, you can look back on the memories of these beautiful landscapes. They also happen to be a vital collectible to complete your Adventurer’s Tome. Yudia continent has three Vistas. Two vistas are located in the area of Salanda Hills and another at Ozhorn Hill.

#1 Vista: Saland Hill

Two vistas are located in the area of Salanda Hills of Yudia continent. The first vista is located in the region is the Salt Works in Saland Hill. Head to the area as marked on the map, you will find a small makeshift hut with sacks and wooden crates. You can activate the vista near the wooden fence.

#2 Vista: Saland Hill

The next vista is located in the area of Aregal Salt Plains in the northern part of Salanda Hills. You can activate the vista near a big boulder surrounded by crystals as shown below.

#3 Vista: Ozhorn Hill

Last Vista can be found in the area of Ozhorn Hill. You can activate the vista in the northern part of the merchant camp near a wooden cart filled with crates and barrels.

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