In this article, we’ll guide you on how to complete all objectives of the side quest “Going Viral ” in Dead Island 2.
Starting Location
Pick Amanda’s phone to initiate the side quest.

Keep Amanda out of trouble on Hollywood Boulevard
Use the fast travel map to reach Hollywood Boulevard, and proceed to the back of the stage on the same boulevard in order to locate Amanda.

Turn on the cameras for Amanda’s stream
Turn around and initiate the cameras

Played again! What does Amanda’s stream have cooked up for you this time?
Once the cameras have been activated, proceed to the front of the stage.
Break up the power couple, TyBecca! For the views!
Upon reaching the front of the stage, two larger enemies will emerge. You must defeat both of them.

Slay the fashion icons, Claritee and Bijou. For the views!
Following the defeat of the two larger enemies, two additional special enemies will spawn. Once again eliminate both of them.
Beat the heat of Amar and $ir Treble! For the views?
Defeat two more big enemies.
The only way to end this is get Amanda her stream footage. Kill Eddie & Hoffman!
The next pair of enemies will comprise a butcher and a slobbering zombie. You must take down both of these enemies also.
Amanda was bitten?! Fight through Grace and Nick to reach her!
Defeat the final group of enemies.
Hurry! Get to Amanda!
After defeating all the enemies, wait for Amanda to arrive.
Kill Amanda Styles!
Upon Amanda’s arrival, she will be transformed into a zombie. You must eliminate her in order to complete the mission.

RIP Amanda. Take her final note
After eliminating Amanda, she will drop a note. Be sure to retrieve the note.
RIP Amanda. Fulfill her final wish and download her video
Retrieve the video from Amanda’s laptop.