This guide shows how to complete the “An Honorable Death” Mission that you will get during the Oskoreia Festival in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Oskoreia Festival will run from 11th November 2021 to 2nd December 2021.

Examine Gudmund’s Ship of the Dead
For the first objective, go to Ravensthorpe and interact with the ship as shown below.
Find the Wounded Man
You will find the wounded man underneath a wooden bridge at the highlighted location, on the north portion of Ravensthorpe.

Find and Reach Kalf’s Camp
Kalf’s Camp is at the top of the cliff at the location as shown in the picture below. On reaching the camp, interact with the Smoking Pot (see the second picture below). Monk’s Smoke will help you see the unseen and help you uncover the story of the mysterious stranger.

Investigate Kalf’s Fate
Investigation Point 1
The first investigation point is very easy to find. It is the campfire in front of the Monk’s Smoke as shown in the picture below.

Investigation Point 2
After interacting with the campfire, jump down the cliff. Then go south and you will find a broken armring near the shore as shown in the picture below. This investigation point is on the north side of a boat in the river (See the second picture below). You can easily see the boat in the river. Once you have spotted the boat, it will be very easy to find this investigation point.

Investigation Point 3
Now swim south. Go past the boat to reach the third investigation point as shown in the pictures below.

Investigation Point 4
The final investigation point is underwater, on the west side of the boat. Above this investigation point, you will see some wooden logs floating on the water. Dive down and interact with the burnt remains of a longship bow to complete the investigation.

Honor Kalf
Now go back to the ship and interact with it to complete the quest.