This article will show you where to find Arcanine in the game Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, which is released on 18 November 2022.
Paldea Pokedex: #214 Arcanine
Type: Fire
Ability: Intimidate or Flash Fire / Justified
Evolution: Growlithe > Arcanine (Firestone)
Characteristics: An ancient picture scroll shows that people were captivated by its movement as it ran through prairies.
Also Read: Where to find Growlithe in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Arcanine Location
Near a small lake in South Province (Area Four)

How to Evolve Growlithe into Arcanine
Growlithe can evolve into Arcanine in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is the same as it has been since the very beginning. All you need to do is acquire a Fire Stone and give it to Growlithe while it is at your party.
Fire Stone Location
Purchase Fire Stone from Delibird Presents Store in Mesagoza
The first method to get the Fire Stone is very straightforward. Fire Stone will be available for purchase for 3000 in-game currency from Mesagoza Delibird presents Shop after you have got the third gym badge. Go to the “General Goods” section of the Delibird Presents Store to find the Fire Stone.

Picking up Fire Stones
Fire stones can be picked up from various places around the map. One place where you will definitely find a Fire Stone is along the river on the eastern side of East Province (Area Three) as shown in the (pictures below. You will also find it along the river in the East Province (Area Two).