This guide shows how to complete the Theater Mechanicus:Autumnal Resplendence Stage 2: Enter the Horde in the game Genshin Impact. Theater Mechanicus makes its return as part of the Hues of the Violet Garden event.
Theater Mechanicus: Autumnal Resplendence – Enter the Horde
In the show of force, mechanici you may build are limited to as follows: 4 Tandem Mine, 3 Crack Shot, 3 Inferno, 2 Glacial Bloom, and 2 Rippling Reflections. Initially you may not be having all the points to make the full constructions.

Here are the buffs we used for this stage: Here I have selected only fortune sticks.

Enter the Horde Construction
I have made the construction in two phases. Phase-1 include following constructions:
Left Side: 2 x Tandem Mine, 1 x Glacial Bloom, and 1 x Rippling Reflections.
Front Side: 1 x Rippling Reflections and 1 x Inferno
Back Side: 1 x Glacial Bloom, 2 x Tandem Mine
Glacial Bloom and Rippling Reflections needs to keep away from the enemies path.

Phase-2: This construction we can start after accumulating around 300 points.
Right Side: 3x Crack Shot
Front Side: Added one extra Inferno
Back Side: Added one extra Inferno