This guide shows how to complete the Theater Mechanicus:Autumnal Resplendence Stage 1:Show Of Force in the game Genshin Impact. Theater Mechanicus makes its return as part of the Hues of the Violet Garden event.
Theater Mechanicus: Autumnal Resplendence – Show Of Force
In the show of force, mechanici you may build are limited to as follows: 6 Tandem Mine, 3 Crack Shot, 3 Inferno, 2 Glacial Bloom, and 2 Rippling Reflections. Initially you may not be having all the points to make the full constructions.

Here are the buffs we used for this stage: Here I have selected only fortune sticks.

Show of Force Construction
At the starting point, construct a Glacial Bloom near the edge and place three Tandem Mine as shown in the picture below. Few of the enemies can destroy nearby Mechanicus except Tandem Mine. So we will keep Tandem Mine on their path and any other Mechanicus near the edge.

Construction layout of the right side.

Construction layout in front of stairs. Here too enemies can destroy nearby Mechanicus except Tandem Mine. So we will keep Crack Shot near the edge( right row)

Construction layout of the left side, while standing on the starting point. Initially, we may not be having enough points to place both pyro/Inferno. Start the wave and once you gain enough points, place the inferno/pyro on the left side.

Another look of Layout from upstairs.