This article will guide you on how to complete all the objectives of the quest “Avenge the Drowned” in Baldur’s Gate 3
Quest Start
Note: This quest is available only if you have not completed The Iron Throne Prison.
To begin the quests, travel to the House of the Water Queen in the Lower City’s southwest corner. When you get to the location, you will notice that a funeral procession is currently taking place. Umberlee’s Waveservants are mourning the loss of one of their own.

Speak with Allandra Grey at the Water Queen’s House, and she will ask for help in locating the murderer who patrols the waters of Grey Harbour.

Find the Poisonous Beast’s Master
Head south onto Grey Harbour Docks and chat with a few fishermen there to learn that the beast was sighted near Flymm’s Cargo warehouse, which lies to the east of Grey Harbour.

Search Flymm Cargo for the Beast’s Master
Head over to the Flymm Cargo at the dock in the southern part of the Lower City. Pick the locks of the large metal doors. Defeat the pack of enemies inside and enter into it.

Explore the basement of Flymm Cargo
Inside the building, you will find a hatch on the left side. Interact with this hatch to enter the basement.

Continue south across the room until you reach a large door labeled “Machine Parts Storage” Enter into it and proceed through the “Subaquatic docks” door.

The doors open onto an area with a metal bridge and water. Head to the middle of the metal bridge to meet Redhammer the Deviser.

Deal with Redhammer
When you speak with him, he’ll inquire what you’re doing down here, and you’ll see a submersible in the water. Confront Redhammer about killing one of Umberlee’s servants. You have the option of killing Redhammer right now to revenge Holli.
Return back to the Water Queen’s House
Return to the Water Queen’s House and inform Allandra Grey that the beast has been dispatched.