Baldur’s Gate 3: How to complete Investigate the Suspicious Toys Quest in BG3

This article will guide you on how to complete the quest “Investigate the Suspicious Toys“. It is a side quest in Baldur’s Gate 3 that you can pick up right at the start of Act 3.

Quest Start (Find the Dangerous Toy Donator)

Make your way to Rivington. From the Rivington waypoint, head northeast to Arfur’s mansion, where you’ll see Arfur Gregorio and his bodyguard attempting to evict a family of refugees from his mansion. 

Pass the intimidating check to side with the refugees and persuade him to let them stay.

Enter the Hatch in Arfur’s Mansion

Enter the mansion and proceed to the room straight ahead. You will see a hatch beside a wooden crate. Go down into the basement.

Go to the other end of the basement until you spot the heavy chest. Disarm and lockpick it to find some Gold and a blackmail letter that reveals that Gregorio is responsible for placing bombs in a box of toys shipped to the Rivington refugee camp.

Find the dangerous toy donations

Head southeast from Arfur’s mansion and speak to Manip Nestor at the Requisitioned Barn. Pass the Persuade check to convince him to inspect the donation for anything harmful.

Start following Manip Nestor to the northeast corner of the Requisitioned Barn. There is a crate with explosives. Disarm the explosive and then Manip Nestor will then ask you to find whoever is responsible for this.

Find and confront the Toymaker Afrur Gregorio

You can find Arfur in Sharess’ Caress in Wyrm’s Crossing, which is found near the South Span of Wrym’s Crossing waypoint to the north of Rivington.

Arfur is on the first floor, on the south side, in a room with red curtains. Confront Arfur and pass successfully [Intimidation] check to force him to tell you who’s behind this and he will direct you to Felogyr’s Fireworks.

He will then want to be allowed to go and will offer you a pass into the Lower City. Allow him to go to get a Coronation Admission Pass.

Investigate Felogy’s Fireworks

Talk to the guards and present them your invitation north of the South Span of Wrym’s Crossing waypoint.

They will lower the draw bridge so you may access the Lower City with your Coronation Admission Pass. Once entering the Lower City, proceed southwest to Felogyr’s Fireworks, which is located near the Heapside Strand waypoint.

Inform the guard stationed by the entrance to the right that Uncle Felogyr has sent for me. After that, he’ll let you up to the second level. You can use the Greater Invisibility spell to reach the top floor, where the explosives are produced.

Felogyr’s Fireworks is run by Banites and they distribute explosives around the city. To put a stop to it, you’ll need to eliminate everyone in the building and end the quest.

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