Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Solve the Stone Chair puzzle in the Toll House Basemnet

There is a secret armory in the basement (Ornate Wooden Hatch) of the Paladin’s Headquarters in The Risen Road. Inside, you can find some good early-game items. This article will guide you on how to solve the Secret Armory Puzzle to reach the basement.

Ornate Wooden Hatch is located southeast of the Risen Road Waypoint. Head into the house and open the Ornate Wooden Hatch to enter the basement.

In the basement, you can use Toll Collector’s key to open the door or use Knock Spell to open the door.

Pass the perception check to open the iron door on the left to reach the Stone Chairs Puzzle room.

The seats of both stone chairs are equipped with pressure plate mechanisms. To activate these mechanisms, players need to disable the Group Mode and have two characters sit in the stone seats. Alternatively, players can utilize weighty objects from the environment, such as vases, to substitute for party members on the chairs.

This should then cause the “wall” to slide and reveal the hidden chamber behind it.

Just beyond the entry point to the secret chamber is a pressure plate on the floor. Use the Jump action to leap over the gray plate on the floor, and then proceed to explore and gather items within the room.

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