This article shows the fate of Paco and Bobs. There are three endings for the Balls to the Wall side job in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty.
As you progress through the side Job: Balls to the Wall in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, you must either instruct Paco and Babs to ‘Frame Yuri‘ or ‘Run away‘ or choose the third option to ‘Call in Some Favors‘.
Frame Yuri
If a player chooses to “frame Yuri” then the game will instruct you to meet Paco and Babs beneath an underpass. Follow the in-game waypoint to reach the location.

Once you arrive at the location, the player should wait for Yuri. When Yuri appears then attack and defeat him.

At this juncture, players will also become aware that Yuri was responsible for Paco’s death. Subsequently, you can follow the in-game marker to arrive at the location where you’ll discover Paco’s lifeless body suspended.
Run away
If a player chooses to “Run for the Hills”, the game will prompt Paco to walk to a nearby car. At this point players must drive this vehicle out of Cyberpunk 2077‘s Dogtown and to the Grand Imperial Mall

Then wait two in-game days to receive a message from Paco in which he requests a meeting at the Atlantis.

You will receive Carmen – Assault Rifle as a reward from Paco.
Call in Some Favors
If a player chooses to “Call in Some Favors“, then you have to message River to ask for some help to get some generator and inform Paco and Babs that friend fron NCPD’ll help ot.

Following this, you’ll receive a message from Paco expressing gratitude for your assistance and inviting you to collect a modest reward at the camp. Your reward from Paco will be the Carmen Assault Rifle.