This guide shows the location of all three “Umbran Tears” locations in Chapter 1 of the game Bayonetta 3, which was released on 28 October 2022.
#1 Medallion Shard
As the chapter starts, turn around and jump down to the bottom beside the sea. Attack the defunct automaton to reveal the shard.

#1 Figure Box
Jump down on the left side of the ramp near the starting point. Grab the first Figure Box from the ledge below.

#1 Echoes Of Memory
Go up the ramp and then head to the tower off to your right. There’s a cracked portion of the wall on this small tower to attack and break inside.

#1 Card Pack
Go to the left of the tower where you just found the first Echoes of Memory. The card pack is sitting on a tree branch.

#1 Broken Witch Heart – Verse #2
Go up the ramp from the starting point to find the spot in front of you. This first combat challenge asks you to use a bite attack 3 times and rewards you with a Broken Witch Heart

#2 Card Pack
This card pack is located on a higher ledge to the immediate left of the waterfall. Use the platform and lift to take you to a higher level.

#2 Broken Witch Heart
Go to the right side of the waterfall, and pass the small pond to find a key near the mountain wall. Use the key to break the seal behind the waterfall.

#1 Umbran Tear – Cat
The first Umbran can be located at the start of the Shibuya section. As you enter Shibuya, turn left to locate Kitty hidden at the base of a building. To fly, press ZR twice.

#1 Broken Moon Shard
At the start of Shibuya section, head to the right to start the combat challenge. It requires you to blow kisses to get the first Broken Moon Pearl as a reward.

#2 Echoes Of Memory
Use the enemy time shift so the parts of the collapsed building make a stairway for you to jump up and grab the Echoes of Memory #2.

#2 Figure Box
Head right from the time shift puzzle. To find the figure box in a corner.

#1 Heavenly Light
At the start of Shibuya section, go straight and climb up to the rooftops on the right side. Head up onto the highest point on the billboard and then fly over to the rooftops on the other side of the street to collect Heavenly Light.

#3 Card Pack
At the start of Shibuya section, go straight and climb up to the rooftops on the right side. Head up onto the highest point on the billboard. Then fly over to the rooftops on the other side of the street to collect the card pack behind the billboard.

#3 Figure Box
This one is right up the top of the central curved building overlooking the main road.

#4 Card Pack
This is hidden in a nook at the back of the central curved tower. just take the stairs on the side to get this item.

#2 Umbral Tear – Frog / Toad
You’ll be able to hear this toad’s croaks as soon as you exit the tower region where Verse #9 takes place. Press ZR twice to fly.

#3 Broken Witch Heart
Complete Verse #10 to get rewarded with another Broken Witch Heart.

#5 Card Pack
Enter tunnels under Shibuya. Take the right and then the left to find it near a corner.

#3 Umbran Tear Of Blood – Crow
You’ll find the crow sat on some railings at the top of a circular room inside the sewers under Shibuya. Reach the stairs and double jump as the crow comes near.

#4 Figure Box
On the metal staircase in the large round area inside the tunnels under Shibuya.

#3 Echoes Of Memory
In the tunnels area, this one is off to the left side of the large room where Verse #12 occurs.

#1 Full Witch Heart
It is on its way out of the tunnels at the crashed train; the game will tell you of it, and it will drop a fragment of Broken Witch Heart.