This guide shows how to get all 5 Minikits and all 3 Level Challenges in the Best Leia’d Plans mission in the Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
Best Leia’d Plans: Minikit 1/5
You need to destroy 3 Mouse Droids to get this Minikit.
Mouse Droid 1/3
Go to the eastern balcony on the first floor. Then grapple up to the second floor as shown in the picture below. You will find a Mouse Droid in the hallway on this floor as shown in the second picture below.

Mouse Droid 2/3
Take the elevator on the second floor to reach the third floor. Climb up the ladder on the south side of this floor to reach the fourth floor as shown below. This mouse droid is in the hallway on this floor.

Mouse Droid 3/3
Go to the south side of the fourth floor. Then use a droid to pull open the door as shown in the picture below. Then proceed inside the room to find the third Mouse Droid. On destroying the three mouse droids, you will get a Minikit.

Best Leia’d Plans: Minikit 2/5
Destroy the blocks inside the room where you found Mouse Droid 3. Then build the Minikit from the fallen blocks.
Best Leia’d Plans: Minikit 3/5
Go to the western balcony of the fourth floor. From there, jump down to the third floor balcony to get the Minikit as shown in the picture below.

Best Leia’d Plans: Minikit 4/5
Go to a third-floor balcony. Then switch to a Scoundrel character and aim at the big weapon as shown in the picture below. This will make the weapon fall down and create a hole in the door leading to the third-floor southern balcony.

Go to the third-floor southern balcony and pull the lever there to tighten up the zipline. Then use the zipline to reach the third floor north balcony. Pick up the key there and then open the door by pressing the pad as shown in the picture below.

Use the key to open the door ahead as shown below. Then enter the room and collect the battery inside.

Insert the battery in the socket on the west side of the third floor to open the door as shown below. Then go inside the room and get the Minikit.

Best Leia’d Plans: Minikit 5/5
Make your way to the detention block. Then turn around and open the door to get the Minikit as shown in the picture below.

Best Leia’d Plans: All Level Challenges
Boring Conversation Anyway
Details: Break the console Panel to cut off the Empire Captain.
Go to the Detention Block and destroy the Panel as shown in the picture below to complete the challenge.

Slight Weapons Malfunction
Details: Clear out the detention block guards like a true scoundrel.
Go to the Detention Block. Use a Scoundrel character to aim at the panel above the guards as shown in the picture below. This will make the panel fall and complete the challenge.

Your Weapon, You Will Not Need it
Details: Get through the first floor without being detected.