This guide shows how to unlock the ‘Beware of Trains‘ Trophy/ Achievement in Call of Duty Vanguard, which was released on 5th November 2021.
Read More: Call of Duty Vanguard All Trophies/ Achievements
Trophy/ Achievement: Beware of Trains
Description: In Phoenix, shoot a truck driver with a vehicle full of soldiers

How to Unlock ‘Beware of Trains’ Trophy
This Trophy can be unlocked in the First Mission (Phoenix) of the Campaign. About a couple of minutes into the mission, continue until you get into your first fight. Then you are going to hear one of your soldiers say: “Let’s not take any chances, take the roof this time”. After that, go to the ledge on the left side of the train as shown in the picture below. Then climb the ladder to reach the roof of the train. Here you will see two trucks on the right side as shown in the second picture below. Shoot any one of the drivers of the truck to unlock the ‘Beware of Trains’ trophy/ Achievement.