The following objectives become available when you reach Bangshelter 9I:
- Super Loot x 8
- Old Word Gadget x 1
Head inside the tunnel area and take first left, you will arrive at a large hall-like area inside the tunnel. Take the stairs on the right.
Super Loot #1: Inside Garbage Bin on the raised platform.
Old Word Gadget #1: Interact with the power box and solve the circuit puzzle. This will unlock the adjacent door.

Super Loot #2-3: Go to the other side of the door. and unlock a door on the left. You will find two superb loots in this room.
Super Loot #4-6: Explore other rooms to find other three Superb Loots (one wardrobe is behind the wire mesh)

Super Loot #7-8: Go further into the tunnel and go through the door on the right. You will find a door blocked by oil barrels. You can jump on these oil barrels and open the door