Biomutant: Where to find Collectables in Brickbrack 7B Area
Brickbrack 7B is located in Sector 7B of the map.
Each Location has different objectives that you can complete to earn rewards and complete the area. The following objectives become available when you reach Brickbrack 7B:
- Superb Loot 0/2
- Mekton Wrekbox 0/1
- Old World Bodyshaper 0/1
You can find all the collectible inside a three-story building with a slant roof. Defeat all the Goop monsters.
Enter the building through the door on the right wall. Head into the room just opposite the entrance door to get a new side quest. Interact with wooden box in the same room to collect Old World Bodyshaper

You can find all the collectible inside a three-story building with a slant roof. Defeat all the Goop monsters.
Enter the building through the door on the right wall. Head into the room just opposite the entrance door to get a new side quest. Interact with the Body squeezer to collect Old World Bodyshaper and also Interact with wooden box in the same room.

Now head to the main hall and interact with a large wooden box to get a collectible from Mekton Wrekbox.
Now, Superb Loot chest can be found on the roof top of the same building. Use wall hooks and rope to reach the roof and collect the loot from the box.