Sludgy Junkworks is located in sector 6J at coordinate X= -87800, Y=-347875. The following objectives become available when you reach Sludgy Junkworks
- Superb Loot x 2
- Old World Gadget x 1
Superb Loot #1: It is pretty is to find. Superb Loot is inside the green-color garbage bins outside the building.

- Head to the right to find a large empty pool and a sludge truck/oil tanker propped up over the pool
- Jump on the top of sludge truck and knock the lid off the sludge truck to fill up the pool area.
- While the pool is getting filled, jump into the pool onto the wooden plank.
- Use other planks as a platform to move toward the tunnel entrance.

- Inside, you’ll find some loot in a drawer.
- Interact with the power box. Here you will get a new type of puzzle – Cable Connect.
Cable Connect Puzzle Sludgy Junkworks: Biomutant
Each slot has Xs and a few have Xs and -Xs. There are three cables, and these are inserted into two slots each. The sum of all the Xs interacting with cables is represented by the green row of Xs at the bottom. We need to get the green line to match the grey line of Xs below by moving the cables around.
Once you complete the puzzle a new door will open.