The following objectives become available when you reach Sparkplant:
- Resource Totem x 1
- Bioblob Container x 1
- Ultimate Meleeweapon x 1
- Superb Loot x 8
- Old World Gadget x 2
Ressouce Totem:
You can find the plastic skrap at the southern corner of sparkplug area near the road as marked on the map.
This location is not very far from the monster Sparky Twigsnout. Defeat the monster before proceeding further. Collect the Sparky Plant Vault Key after defeating the monster.
Superb Loot #1: This Superb loot is inside a small room at the southern corner of the sparkplug area as marked on the map, not very far away from Resource Totem.

Ultimate Meeleweapon:
- Melee weapon is inside Sparky Plant Vault Key. You can obtain the Vault key after defeating the monster Sparky Twigsnout that spawns in the middle of Sparky Plant area.
- Vault is inside the big building marked as #1 in the map at the southwest corner of the map. The vault door is on the western wall of the building.
Superb Loot #2-3: Two superb loots area available inside the vault room only.

Superb Loot #4:
- You can locate this loot in a room adjacent to the Vault Room.
- Entry to the Room is also from the western side of the building.
- Entry Door location is marked on the map.

Superb Loot #5:
- This loot is on the second floor of building #1 as marked on the map.
- You can enter the building from the eastern side. Use the snow ramp to climb to the tin shade.
- Finally use fungi ability to jump inside the building.

Superb Loot #6: This Superb loot is inside a small room north of building #1 as marked on the map.
Superb Loot #7: Go inside building #2 (underground) as marked on the map. You can enter the building from the western side. You can find the Superb Loot on a raised platform after you passed the first door.
Superb Loot #8: Go to the right and continue exploring the underground area.
The next superb loot is located after getting down two stairs and is inside a barred room (look more like a giant pillar). Use the knockfist to blast the weaker wall.
Old World Gadget: This is a computer (monitor) on a desk, further inside the underground area on the left side.
Solve the puzzle by rotating the nodes to match the color.

Bioblob Container:
Climb the ladder to just opposite Old World Gadget #1. You can find the Bioblob container at the upper level.
Old World Gadget #2:
Use the ladder to climb further to locate the last Old World Gadget.