The following objectives become available when you reach Suburbia:
- Resource Totem x 4
- Superb Loot x 4
- Ultimate Ranged Weapon x 1
- Old World Gadget x 4
- Underground Area x 1
- Old Word Bodyshaper x 1

All four Resource totems are marked by the red circle on the map. These are pretty easy to find as all four are found along the road.
- Resource Totem #1: Metal Skrap, you can find it opposite to road where Old World Gadget #1 is available.
- Resource Totem #2: Wooden Skrap in the northern area of the suburbia map.
- Resource Totem #3: Rubber Skrap in the western area of the suburbia map.
- Resource Totem #4: Plastic Skrap in the southern area of the suburbia map.
Old World Gadget #1: Flush Stools
You can find it in the toilet of a ruined house. Location is marked on the map. Rotate the nodes to match the color.

Old World Gadget #2: Globe
It is inside a blue color house. Location is marked on the map. Rotate the nodes to match the color.

Old World Gadget #3: Micro-oven
- It is inside a blue color house and a semi-standing in front of the house.
- Go to the basement from the same house and drop down further to collect from the back of a small truck Superb Loot #1.

Old World Gadget #4: Micro-oven
- Head inside the basement through the broken wall and find Old World Gadget inside one of the rooms of the basement.
- Interact with a single-seater sofa and a small box on the ground to find 2 x Superb loot in the same room.

Old Word Bodyshaper:
- Head inside the two-story marked building and then go into the basement. You will find the Old Word Bodyshaper.
Underground Area:
- There is a breakable wall in the same room of the basement where you got Old Word Bodyshaper. Use knock fist to break the concrete wall and enter inside the underground area.
- In the Underground area, you will find a Superb Loot inside a small box lying on the ground and somewhat hidden by grass.

Biomutant: How to get the Suburbia Ultimate ranged weapon
- For this, you need to get a side quest ‘The Schacky Trunkgnut’ from Moog.
- After getting the quest head back to Suburbia and fight with the enemy name Schacky Trunkgnut and defeat him to get the Vault key.
- Vault location is marked on the map. It is near a big blue color truck. Head inside the bunker. You’ll be rewarded with Sparkatron Hypicskromp.