Blackrose Basement: All Mokoko Seeds Location in Lost Ark

  • Post published:March 11, 2022
  • Post category:Lost Ark

This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on how to collect all Mokoko Seeds at Blackrose Basement in the game Lost Ark. Mokoko Seeds are a special type of collectible scattered across the continents. You can exchange Mokoko Seeds for unique rewards at specific intervals. The Blackrose Basement is located in the continent of East Luterra. There are 8 Mokoko Seeds to find on Blackrose Basement.

#1 Mokoko Seed

The first Mokoko Seed is at a dead-end as marked on the map. It is placed left of two office tables.

#2 Mokoko Seed

The second Mokoko Seed is located deep inside the dungeon and is available after a cutscene. Defeat the Heretic Elders without killing any Heretic Devotees. The seed will be on the ground next to a set of books and a sofa.

#3-5 Mokoko Seed

Next, three Mokoko seeds are hidden behind a door that will only open if all of the civilians survive. Use regular and single-target attacks and only attack the enemies. Whenever you run into any enemies highlighted in red, run away from them to lure them away from civilians and then kill enemies to avoid civilian casualty.

#6-7 Mokoko Seed

Continue through the dungeon to clear out all the remaining Heretic Elders. This door requires all cultists to be eliminated before it will open. If the door is still closed that means there are still more to find. As long as you don’t reach the boss, you should be able to backtrack and find all the cultists if you missed any. 

#8 Mokoko Seed

It will be at a dead-end next to vases and jars as shown in the image below.

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