Bloodletting is a side tale in Ghost of Tsushima – Iki Island DLC Expansion, where your goal is to help Sugi in eliminating Yamaneko’s crew as they are trading captive with and Mongols for weapons. It is one of the seven side tales in Ghost of Tsushima – Iki Island. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Bloodletting side tales and how to get the Sugi’s Hat. You must have finished the side tale ‘Troubled Waters‘ for this quest to become available. You will get Minor Legend Increase, Minor Melee Charm, +4 Leather as a reward for completing this side tale.
How to start side tale – Bloodletting
For this side tale to be available in your journal, you must complete another side tale ‘Troubled Waters.‘ Starting location of the side-tale is marked north of Gonoura Cape, where you meet a quest giver name Sugi (NPS).

Meet Sugi by the old fishing village
Your first objective is to reach the fishing village to meet Sugi. Head to the old fishing village north of Gonoura Cape, located on the western part of Iki island. Once you arrived at the dock (marked location), you will find several enemies.

Free the captive
Eliminate all the Yamaneko’s crew (enemies) to clear the fishing dock and rescue the peasant.
Speak with Sugi
Sugi will appear after recusing the hostage from the boat dock. She tells that Yamaneko’s crews are trading hostage for Mongols weapons and we should stop this. She will ask you to destroy the nearby lookout post of Yamaneko.

Defeat Yamaneko’s lookouts
Lookout post is located on top of a nearby hill across the river. There are three archers stationed there. Climb up the hill and eliminate all three of them.

Sit and Wait
Now your next objective is just to sit and wait at the same lookout post, where the archers were standing is a campfire. Click R2 when you get a prompt on the screen to sit down and wait for the night to fall.
Survey the camp
Once the nightfall, you will automatically enter into ‘Survey Mode’ and your next task will be to survey the beach camp and look at 3 objects. S White ring on the screen will show you what direction to look in.
#1 look for a campfire on a big rocky platform, behind the standing enemy
#2 – Survey the nearby boat on the beach on the left side
#3 – Survey the campfire at a distance on a rocky hill.

Signal Sugi’s Hwacha
Now your next task is to climb down and light the three campfires to send a signal to Sugi’s Hwacha. I have shown all three campfires in the below image. Now you must climb down to the beach and light the campfires by pressing at them. You can sneak there and ignore the enemies or stealth kill them. Below are the locations of all 3.
#1 – Light the campfire at the beach just behind an enemy. You can sneak there to light the campfire.
#2 – Climb up the cliff at the distance and defeat the single enemy present there. Light the campfire.
#3 – Climb up the adjacent cliff as shown in the image to light up the campfire. Follow the cliffside to find a grappling point and use it to climb the cliff. Eliminate all the enemies there.

Defeat the Mongols and Yamaneko’s Crew
As you light up the first campfires only, both enemy factions will turn against each other and will start fighting. You also need to eliminate all the enemies from both sides. You can first concentrate on sending signals using all three campfires before clearing the rest of the enemies.
Regroup with Sugi
After clearing the area continue to follow the shoreline north to the interaction point to meet Sugi. Watch the burning ship in front.

Examine the Debris
After the night ends you will find Sugi’s head being washed ashore. You will get a prompt on the screen to examine the hat. It seems as if she died in the burning boat and the side tale officially ends here. But there is an extra step you can do to get Sugi’s hat!

How to Get Sugi’s Kasa Hat
To unlock Sugi’s Red Hat you need to return to Sugi’s village which is the southeastern part of Iki island near Thieves Rest lighthouse. I have marked the location on the map. In the village, you can find people gathered around a corpse pinned to a tree. Examine the corpse to read the note. The note reveals why Sugi ‘faked’ her death. This unlocks Sugi’s Hat.