In this article, you’ll discover a comprehensive walkthrough on locating and eliminating all three Novistadors within the Defensive Line area in the Resident Evil 4 Remake: Separate Ways. Novistadors can be challenging to detect because of their camouflaging ability with the surroundings.
All three Bug Buster locations in the RE4 remake
As you navigate Resident Evil 4‘s Separate Ways DLC, you find yourself in Defensive Line, you’ll get a merchant request to locate and eliminate three Novistadors

Bug Buster 2 Location 1
The first bug is extremely close to the merchant, right close to the paper for this mission. Use your I.R.I.S. sensor to scope out the area and glance to your left alongside the rocky wall. The first bug is hanging out near you close to the gap in the fence.

Bug Buster 2 Location 2
For the next two bugs, evade the initial set of turrets positioned in front of you. Grapple your way on the right and then follow the path to go behind the turrets on the left as shown in the image below.

Use your I.R.I.S. sensor to look out at one of the metal towers on the left on the bug is hanging on one of the towers.

Bug Buster 2 Location 3
Use your I.R.I.S. sensor to look out to the further left behind another turret to find the bug near another one of the metal towers.