In this guide, we’ll show you where to find the hidden area in the game. This secret spot is packed with cool stuff, including a hidden chest, a secret armor set, a quest, and a powerful ranged weapon.
Where to find the secret area and obtain The Gentlebros gear
In Cat Quest III, you can find the out-of-bounds secret area at any time, even right from the start of the game. Simply go to the very bottom left corner of the map and follow the edge until you discover a tiny gap in the boundary where your ship can squeeze through.

After you pass through the gap in the boundary, follow the white trail in the water until you come across a group of Gentlebros hanging out. Speak with them and they will tell you that they have misplaced the paper notes. These paper notes contained the speech. They’ll ask you to help find the three missing pieces of paper.

The first piece is located just to the left of the Gentlebros, and the second piece is directly above them. For the third piece, sail your ship west, away from the group.
1st Paper Piece

2nd Paper Piece

3rd Paper Piece

Once you’ve gathered all three pieces, Gentlebro Desmond will deliver a heartfelt speech, expressing his gratitude for the time they’ve had to work on the game and the support from their fans. This will end the quest.