Lust from beyond: Chapter 10 Below the Eden
This walkthrough of the game “Lust from Beyond” will guide you through all the objectives of Chapter 10 – Below the Eden.
Objective: Follow Jonathan
As the chapter starts, follow Jonathan into an underground passage in the search for Lily.
– Close the passage: Pull the lever down to close the passage. It’s on the left side where the stairs end.
– Hide: Follow Jonathan’s instruction to hide inside an iron maiden.
Objective: Find Lily
– Get to the Bloodhouse: Victor needs to collect two rubies to open the Bloodhouse.
- For the first ruby: Go down using the stairs near the “Hall of Whispers”. Down you will find Danny (receptionist) with a corpse. Ruby is in the adjacent room.

2. For the second ruby:
- Go to the corridor opposite the “Hall of Whispers” and enter the last room.
- Slide the curtain of the left wall to reveal a locked hidden cabinet.
- Take the diagram from the table drawer.
- Use the diagram on the hidden cabinet.
- Rearrange the leaves of the cabinet to form a pattern that matches the diagram. (Select any two leaves and press the central button to swap the position of the two leaves).
- Once the cabinet unlocks, open it and collect the ruby.
Use both rubies to unlock the Bloodhouse door.

– Find three golden hands in the Bloodhouse
For explanation purposes, we have divided the Bloodhouse into three different regions. Area1 (Big open area with bodies hanging above), Area2 (Building in front of Area1 in which you enter through grilled-iron gate), and Area3 (Area where the tall lady is roaming).

1. Go to the control room of Area2 and collect the key (open two doors with bones-symbol) and note.

2. Go to Area3 and use the key to open the door (with the bones-symbol). Collect the human hand from the heap of corpses.

3. Return to Area2 and collect the Golden Hand (Note: The gate will close as you pick the golden hand). Place the human hand over the pedestal to open the gate.

4. Go to the top balcony of Area1 and use the key to open the door (with the bones-symbol). Enter the room and move the Shelf to clear the passage. Jump on the platform below and take the lever from the corpse. Use the lever to operate the pulley and bring the hanging corpse down. Collect the Golden Hand from the corpse’s mouth.

5. Go to the central platform of Area1. There are two open cages (iron maidens) with smiley drawn above them. Slam the left cage twice, the right cage once, and the left cage twice to get the Golden Hand (This HINT is in the note you collected from the control room of Area2).

– Open the hall of whispers with three golden hands
Place all three Golden Hands on the door of “Hall of Whispers” to unlock it. Enter the room and collect the key (with the chaos symbol) from the table.
– Reach the room with the chaos symbol
Get out of the Hall of Whispers and go right. You will reach the door with the chaos symbol. Use the key to open the door. Get inside and you will find Lily.