This guide shows the location of all the collectibles in Chapter 10 of Guardians of the Galaxy. There are 7 collectibles in Chapter 10 (2 Archives, 3 Outfits, 2 Guardian Collectibles).
1) Outfit – Gamora: Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse
After meeting with Mantis, walk through the waterfall to enter a secret cave behind it. You will find the outfit inside a purple box in the secret cave.

2) Archive: A Foggy Theory
After defeating Slakebeast, proceed ahead in the only path. Just a little ahead in the path, you will find a thin gap on the wall as shown below. Squeeze through the hole then go through the crystals on the left side. After that climb the rock in front to find the Guardian Collectible on the ground.
3) Guardian Collectible: Mourning Candle
After collecting the previous collectible, climb up the mountain wall on the left side. Then turn right to find the Guardian Collectible on the ground as shown below.

4) Outfit – Rocket: Hero of Halfworld
After defeating Ogrode, you can see a small hole on the mountain wall on the right side as shown below. Send Rocket through the small hole. Rocket will destroy the structural weakness on the mountain wall on the right side of the hole as shown in the second picture below. This will reveal a small crack on the wall behind it. Squeeze through the wall to reach an area with toxic gas. Shoot the 4 gas leak points with your ice blasters as shown in the third picture below. This will remove the toxic gas. Then jump across and stand on the platform on the opposite side as shown in the third picture below. Now command Groot to raise the platform. This will take you to the upper level. Then move ahead and climb the rock on the right side. Go till the end and climb another rock on the right side. Then walk through the ledge to reach the outfit at shown in the fourth picture below.

5) Guardian Collectible: Meditation Stone
After the 2nd Ogrode Fight, Use your Wind Element to move the face statue as shown in the picture below. Moving the statue will reveal some goo behind it. Destroy the goo to reveal a hole in the mountain wall. Crouch through the hole to reach an area with toxic gas. Shoot the gas leak points with your ice blasters to remove the toxic gas. Then pull another statue using your Wind Element as shown in the second picture below. Then jump across and go to the end of the cliff to find the Guardian Collectible lying on the ground as shown in the third picture below.

6) Archive: Pip’s Quips
After collecting the previous collectible, jump down and go to the path on the right side. The Archive is on the ground at the end of the path near a gap in the wall.

7) Outfit – Groot: Annihilation: Conquest Suit
During this chapter, you will come across a dark cave in which Groot will light the path for you. Stick to the right side cave wall and eventually, you will reach a thin gap on the wall with purple light coming through it as shown below. Squeeze through the gap to reach the purple box containing the outfit.