Lust from beyond: Chapter 15 – Wrath of the Queen
This walkthrough of the game “Lust from Beyond” Chapter 14 –The Wrath of the Queen and will guide you through all the objectives of this chapter including Amanda Boss fight.
Objective: Look around in the mansion
Go to the dining hall on the first floor to find the Lauv’abrarc statue desecrated. Go to the ritual hall on the second floor to speak with Theodore.
Objective: Read pages ripped out of “The nature of Universes”
Speak with injured Mabel near the stairs and go to her room. The pages ripped out of “The nature of Universes” are on the table.
Objective: Reach Xu’thrar
Enter Lusst’ghaa using the portal on the third-floor room of Amanda. Keep walking until you meet Amanda.
Objective: Defeat Amanda
How to defeat Amanda Boss?
There are three bridges each on the left and right side. Destroy the four bridges that don’t have red-hanging balls (that corrupt the character) above them. To destroy a bridge shoot (three times) the crystal underneath.
Now, Amanda will have no choice but to go over the remaining two bridges. When she does that, shoot the red-hanging ball above her. This will make her shield smaller. Now, destroy the bridge and make her fall.

Objective: Return from Lusst’ghaa
Get out of the area through a passage near the healing platform. This passage will lead you to a dark area. Use essence to make the bridge and leave this area.
Objective: Defeat Mutated Amanda
Keep distance from mutated Amanda and keep shooting at her. When she jumps onto the platform, protected by a shield, avoid her attacks.
Objective: Find Amanda
After she explodes and vanishes, use essence to make a bridge and continue walking. At the end of the tunnel, you will find injured Amanda.