Black Myth Wukong: How to Unlock Chapter 4 Secret Area “Purple Cloud Mountain”
This guide shows how to unlock the Secret Area “Purple Cloud Mountain” in Chapter 4 of Black Myth: Wukong, released on 20 August 2024. To unlock the secret area, you will need to defeat the “Venom Daoist” boss at two separate locations.
1) Defeat “Venom Daoist” boss the first time
Travel to Webbed Hollow: Pool of Shattered Jade Shrine. Go through the cave near the shrine consisting of several spider cocoons. This will lead you to a courtyard with a giant cocoon hanging from the tree as shown in the picture below. Destroy the cocoon for the Venom Daoist boss to pop out. Defeat the boss and it will run away to the next location.

2) Defeat “Venom Daoist” boss the second time
Travel to Temple of the Yellow Flower: Court of Illumination Shrine. Go through the entrance in front of the shrine. Then go straight ahead and exit through the door on the other side as shown in the picture below.

After exiting through the door, climb up the stairs ahead. Then continue in the path until you reach a steep slope as shown in the picture below. Climb up the steep slope and immediately turn left. Climb up the stairs ahead.

After climbing two flights of stairs, turn left and you will see a cave entrance ahead as shown in the picture below. Go inside the cave to find the Venom Daoist boss. Defeat him again. Then interact with the wall ahead as shown in the second picture below to reach the Secret Area “Purple Cloud Mountain”.

3) Purple Cloud Mountain Secret Area & Scorpionlord Secret Boss
After entering the secret area, continue straight ahead until you reach a wooden bridge. Just before the bridge, you will see a snake on the tree as shown in the picture below. Talk to the snake and exhaust all the dialogues. Cross the wooden bridge and continue ahead until you reach the next wooden bridge. Just before the bridge, you will find the Purple Cloud Mountain: Valley of Blooms shrine. Now cross the bridge and go right. Proceed ahead and cross the archway to reach the Purple Cloud Mountain: Bounds of Deity’s Abode shrine. Then climb up the stairs ahead to find the Scorpionlord boss on top of a house. Destroy the barrels in front of the house to initiate the battle. Continue in the secret area and at the end, after Purple Cloud Mountain: Cloudnest Peak shrine, you will encounter The Duskveil boss. Defeat him to complete the secret area. On defeating him, you will get Weaver’s Needle Vessel.