Chapter 8: Search and Rescue
This guide shows how to complete Chapter 8: Search and Rescue in Dead Space Remake. The guide only shows the main mission objectives and does not include the collectibles. Please note that you will be able to access some areas only from the story progression. So, if you are unable to open some doors then don’t fret as you will be able to access those areas later.
Also Read: Dead Space Remake Walkthrough & Collectibles
Go to the Bridge
As the mission starts, proceed towards the Mining Tram Station. Then take the tram to Bridge. The objective ends as you step out of the tram on the Bridge.
Fix the Comms Array
From the Bridge Tram Station, make your way to the Main Atrium. Once you reach there, defeat the enemies and then enter the elevator going to Comms Array. Go to Floor 3 as shown in the picture below. Step out of the elevator and make your way to the Comms Access Hall. Then enter the Comms Control room. From there go through the door on the right. Then turn left and go out to the Communications Array.
Your objective here is to reroute the power to the top by completing the circuit. To do that, you need to replace the fried/ incorrect dishes with the correct ones. The completed circuit is shown in the picture below. To complete the circuit, place the correct dishes at the nodes marked with yellow squares in the picture below. The second picture below shows the completed circuit as displayed on the Communication Control panel.
Activate the Comms Array
Go back to the Comms Control room and interact with the console there to activate the Comms Array.
Deploy the Antenna
Go back out to Comms Access Hall. Then go right, remove the crates blocking the path, and enter Maintenance Gondola. Ride the cart there to the other side. Hop off the cart and make your way to the Comms Maintenance. Interact with the console there. At this point, the objective will be canceled and a new objective will start.
Destroy the Leviathan Remnant
Go to the Comms Array Exterior Access and open the door there to go to the space. Go a little right and use the cannon there to hit and destroy the weak spot as shown in the picture below. There are two more weak spots, one on the far right and the other on the far left. The objective completes when the three weak spots are destroyed.
Deploy the Antenna
Go back to the Comms Maintenance and interact with the console there to deploy the antenna. Now make your way to the Comms Array Exterior Access door. The objective will complete as you get there.
Go to the USM Valor Airlock
Open the door and enter the space. Go straight ahead and turn a little right toward the end to reach the airlock as shown in the picture below. Open the door and go inside to complete the mission.