Check on the Mantis
This guide shows how to complete the “Check on the Mantis” objective in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor game, which released on 28th April 2023. You will get this objective as you Reach Nekko Pools. The video walkthrough is also posted below.

From the Nekkp Pools meditation point, go up the slippery path by running on the wall as shown in the picture below. Grab the vines at the end of the path. Move right on the vines and drop down at the end as shown in the second picture below.

After dropping down, go inside the small cave to find Nekko as shown in the picture below. Tame Nekko and mount it. Now you will be able to easily climb up the slippery paths.

Go back to the Nekko Pools meditation point and climb up the slippery path as shown in the picture below.

At the end of the path, you will find a locked gate as shown in the pictures below. Jump with the mount and jump again in midair to perform a super jump. By performing the super jump, you will be able to climb the wall. Then jump down and unlock the door from the other side. Now mount Nekko again and continue.

As you proceed, you will reach Bygone Settlement. Continue in the path and turn right as shown in the picture below. Keep going ahead and you will find Bygone Settlement on the left side as shown in the second picture below. Super jump to reach the meditation point. Then continue ahead.

Soon you will reach Untamed Downs. Cut the rope as shown in the picture below to make the bridge fall down. Then continue ahead to reach Mantis. Talk to Zee there to complete the objective.