Request 17: Setting Up the Icepeak Camp
This guide shows the complete walkthrough of “Request 17: To Bloom or Not to Bloom” in Pokemon Legends Arceus. For this request, you will need to add Cherrim to your Pokedex. You will get this quest by talking to Kichi in Jubilife Village Farm. The quest will be available only after you have completed “A Request from Mai“ mission.
Request Description: Kichi of the Agriculture Corps wants an explanation for Cherrim’s changeable appearance. He wants to see a completed Pokedex entry for Cherrim.

Where to find Cherrim
Cherrim is an extremely rare Pokemon available in locations shown below:
Obsidian Fieldlands: The Heartwood
Coronet Highlands: Lonely Spring, Fabled Spring, Primeval Grotto
Crimson Mirelands: Gapejaw Bog

You will have high chances of finding Cherrim in Coronet Highlands at the locations marked in the pictures below. Cherrim spawns from trees. At the highlighted locations, you will find shaking trees as shown in the second picture below. Throw Pokeball on the shaking trees and there is a chance that Cherrim may fall. Chances of you finding Cherrim is very low, so you may have to try many times before a Cherrim drops from the tree. There is a high chance that you will get a Cherubi before you get a Cherrim. So, it might be easier if you evolve a Cherubi into a Cherrim at LVL 25 to complete the request.