Chrome Dome Down: All Challenges & Minikits | Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

This guide shows how to get all 5 Minikits and all 3 Level Challenges in the Chrome Dome Down mission in the Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. The map below shows the locations of the Minikits.

Chrome Dome Down: All Level Challenges

Heads Up, Chrome Dome!

Details: Find a way to drop a TIE interceptor on top of Captain Phasma.
This can be only done during the Story Mode. At the start of the level, when Captain Phasma is on the central platform, shoot the TIE interceptors above Captain Phasma to drop them on him.


Details: Inflict Damage on Captain Phasma in 9 Unique Ways.
Here I will tell in short how to complete the challenge. Click here for the detailed walkthrough.

1) At the start of the level, when Captain Phasma is on the central platform, shoot the TIE interceptors above Captain Phasma to drop them on him.
2) When Phasma is on the central platform, destroy the boxes in the area and build a turret. Mount the turret and shoot Captain Phasma.
3) When Phasma is on the central platform, ride the giant black ball next to the platform and place it on the socket in front of the platform.
4) After Phasma moves to the left platform, use the Villain Console near the southwest corner. This will make a TIE interceptor attack Phasma.
5) When Phasma is on the left platform, mount the turret and shoot him.
6) When Phasma is on the left platform, throw a grenade on the silver plate on his platform. This will reveal a red tube. Shoot this red tube. This will make the entire platform go down.
7) After Phasma moves to the right platform, climb up the tall platform on the right side. Pull the lever there. This will start a big fan that will pull Phasma inside it.
8) When Phasma is on the right platform, pick up a battery and insert it into the terminal on the right side. This will make the assembly line AT-ST move above Phasma. Shoot the AT-ST to make it drop on Phasma.
9) When Phasma is on the right platform, open the weapon cache on the right side. Then pick up a weapon inside and shoot Phasma.

Trouble Underfoot

Details: Trample 10 Stormtroopers in the AT-ST.
During the final stage of the level, when you are riding an AT-ST, trample 10 Stormtroopers.

Chrome Dome Down: Minikit 1/5

Go to the southwest corner, marked as ‘1’ on the map. Grapple on the elevator to pull it down. Then take the elevator to the top to get the Minikit as shown in the picture below.

Chrome Dome Down: Minikit 2/5

On the left portion of the area, go to the location marked as ‘2’ on the map. Shoot the golden brick as shown in the picture below to get the Minikit.

Chrome Dome Down: Minikit 3/5

On the right portion of the area, climb up the tall platform from the backside ladder as shown in the picture below. You will find Minikit #3 at the top.

Chrome Dome Down: Minikit 4/5

To get this Minikit, you need to destroy 3 Black BB8. The location of these three Supercounters is marked as A, B & C on the map.
Supercounter A: It is on top of a box next to the central platform.
Supercounter B: This one is on a small platform on the left portion of the area.
Supercounter C: Climb up the tall platform on the right portion of the area to find this BB8.

Chrome Dome Down: Minikit 5/5

During the final stage of the level, when you are riding an AT-ST, you will find the Minikit inside the rubble on the right side as shown in the picture below. Shoot the Minikit to get it.

This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Brody

    Captain Phasma is a woman, go back and change all the pronouns and do a little research next time

    1. 3487y2n7

      How do you know they’re a woman, are you a biologist?

      1. Brody

        Because you see that and in the movies and the game? Wtf?

      2. Blue Ice

        The voice is a dead giveaway. Also if you look up Gwendoline Christie you will see she played Captain Phasma in the movies. So Phasma is a SHE not HE

    2. John

      Bro shut up, no one gives a f, you the only one he,she, them doesn’t matter get over it, imagine being such a loser you come on here and complain about pronouns

      1. Blueice

        Imagine being butt hurt that people care. Have a good day miss

        1. Mike

          lol he won, dude was all butt hurt that he called phasma a man, doesn’t matter. imagine being a pussy and defending someone else. imagine thinking pronouns are important, shut the fuck up and i’m sure you calling them miss doesn’t offend them lol, but you’re no better then the creator of the page if you are going to misidentify someone. checkmate little guy shut your mouth

          1. Blue Ice

            But it’s more fun to see people like you rage out. And No bully will stop me from saying what I like

        2. Mike

          lolllll you funny dude, clearly i didn’t “rage out” your the one crying over misidentification like it matters… stay in school kid, no one is bullying, you may just be to young to understand that, talk to me when you get out of high school

          1. Ice Blue

            So “ imagine being a pussy and defending someone else. imagine thinking pronouns are important, shut the fuck up” and “ checkmate little guy shut your mouth” aren’t bullying?

            Have a nice day

        3. Mike

          nah, nice try kid, you lost. sounds like you are one of those that change your gender and think you know everything. you saying have a nice day because you know you lost, funny stuff nice job conceding

          1. Ice Blue

            No I say “have a nice day” due to being nice. Next time I should say “Get hit by a car”?

            Was fun chatting to you but I have better things to do with my life. Hope you hurt your self (better? don’t care)

        4. Mike

          You’re still trying you lost, this takes no time at all, got nothing to do with better things in your life, you don’t have much more to do just based off of you get offended😂you done kid you’ve got weak responses, nice try little dude, stick to being a gender advocate

      2. Pronouns are grammar.

        I can’t imagine being the kind of person who gets this defensive over a basic structure of grammar. Just seeing the word “pronoun” and having a conniption fit. The writer made a mistake in the article, they should probably change it to make it accurate, especially considering how obvious it is in the game and movies that Phasma isn’t a dude. Fuck, I remember a time pretty recently that people tried to hold writers on gaming websites to, like, minimal professional standards but I guess that all goes out the window because you can’t tell the difference between gender advocacy and proofreading.

  2. Y'all suck at this

    They’re not Black BB-8s, they’re BB-9s, and Captain Phasma is female.

    1. Y'all still suck at this

      And those are TIE Fighters, not Interceptors, save for a random few.

      1. Bradley

        the game itself calls em tie interceptors

  3. Bradley as well

    thank you so much for the help!

  4. Kim Gardner

    does not have to be done in story mode for the two challenges I just did them on free play


    Pharma is female

    1. Carl

      No one asked grow up

      1. Mike

        No one needs to ask, moron.

  6. J

    Phasma is a woman tho, fix the article.

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