How to Get Raven Sword
This article will guide the player step-by-step on how to craft the Void Elemental Sword (Raven) in Citadelle des Morts in COD Black Ops 6 Zombies.
Step 1: Unlock the Pack-A-Punch
Proceed in the game until you get to a point where you need to break the three locks on the blue crate to release an enemy. Once the enemy is defeated go back to the blue crate to unlock the Pack-A-Punch.

Step 2: Interact with NPC Kraftt
Head through the wooden door located to the left of the Pack-A-Punch and follow the path until you reach a vending machine. Behind the vending machine, you’ll find a small passageway leading to a door.

Interact with the door to speak with the NPC Krafft. Krafft will grant you a special power when his eyes light up.

Step 3: Obtain Stamp
After receiving the special power from NPC Krafft, zombies wearing knight helmets will begin spawning. Defeat these zombies until they drop a special item called the Stamp.

Step 4: Obtain Bastard Sword
Take the Stamp (obtained in step 3) to the dining hall with four statues. This dining hall is located in the northeastern corner of the map.

Interact with the statue with the Raven while holding the Stamp. It will give you the Bastard Sword.

Step 5: Collect Unique Antiquity
Go to the “Alchemical Lab”, located to the west of the Dining hall. Pick up a unique item from the shelf of the lab. Note this is unique for everyone. For this article, it was the lower half of the jaw of an animal.

Step 6: Void Sword
Return to the spawn area and enter the tavern next door. Head to the basement and place your item in the center of the codex.

The puzzle solution varies based on the Antiquity you possess. The inner ring represents the elements—fire, earth, air, and water—while the outer ring displays the 12 Zodiac signs. Adjust the rings to align your Antiquity’s element and Zodiac symbol at the bottom to complete the puzzle.

After solving the puzzle, a portal will appear on the floor, and big purple orbs will start chasing you. Guide three of these orbs into the hole in the ground.

Once three orbs are in, the portal will move to the middle floor. Do the same thing—lead three more orbs into the new hole.

Then, the portal will move upstairs near the pool table. Again, guide three orbs into the hole to fill it up.

When all three portals are done, the orb will go back to the basement. Head there quickly and grab the Elemental Sword from the codec on the wall.