This Step-by-Step Guide will show you how to complete the objective “Defeat Criminals and find Ms. Ferguson” in Brooklyn Vision: BV Club Fair in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 (Spiderman 2023).
Brooklyn Vision: BV Club Fair becomes available once you’ve completed Main Quest 6: Amends. To start the quest, go to the marked spot on the map and pick up the bag.

Once the quest begins, you’ll find yourself in the Academy area. Follow the in-game marker and chat with your friends, Ganke and Hailey. While here, you’ll also hear a police officer on the walkie-talkie discussing a missing person.

The police officer enters a blue gate. You can go to the gate, but you won’t be able to get inside.

When you reach a blue gate with a guard behind it, turn to your left. Slide through a gap between the two blue tents, and then pass through the opening at the back of the tent.

Crouch under the opening in the fence.

Approach the police officer and principal as they talk. Hide behind the wooden boxes nearby. Stay there and listen until a cutscene begins, and Miles switches back into his costume.

Now, head to the quest marker. This area is heavily guarded. Defeat all the enemies.

Next, climb up to the roof above the enemy inside the building. Wait until you see a message telling you to press + This will cause you to crash through the glass roof onto the enemy.

Afterward, defeat the fresh batch of enemies and bring the woman back to the Academy.