Diablo 4 Respec Explained: How to reassign skill points and paragon points

  • Post published:June 14, 2023
  • Post category:Diablo 4

In this article, we will explain to you how to Respec in Diablo 4. In video games, particularly role-playing games (RPGs), “respec” refers to the ability of a player to reallocate or reset their character’s skill points, abilities, or attributes.

To begin, it’s important to note that Respecing does incur a cost in the form of Cash Gold and doesn’t need to visit specific vendors to do so. To initiate the Respec process, navigate to the abilities section, which can be found in the skill menu. Once there, if you wish to refund all your points, simply press the designated button, often represented by a square or another button located at the bottom of the screen.

It’s important to be aware that when you decide to respec a primary skill on the skill tree that has additional connected skills, opting for a refund will result in the refunding of all associated skills. Consequently, you will need to pay the corresponding cost for this adjustment.

On the other hand, if your intention is to solely refund a particular skill, you must hold down the button instead of simply pressing it. This action enables you to exclusively refund that specific skill point without the need to reset the entire skill tree. This convenient feature proves beneficial, as it eliminates the necessity of redoing the entire tree for minor adjustments, saving you time and effort.

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