Baldur’s Gate 3 – Find Dribbles The Clown Guide
This step-by-step guide will show the reader where to find all the 7 Severed Body Parts of Dribbles the Clown in Baldur’s Gate 3.
1) Clown’s Severed Hand Location
Head to the western side of the Circus to find the hand kept on a table next to one of the circus performers. Popper will stop you if you try to grab the hand. However, you have the option of intimidating or persuading him (DC 15) to give you the hand for free. I have marked the exact location on the map below.

2) Clown’s Severed Torso Location
The torso is located in a cave beneath Wyrm’s Crossing. To get to the place proceed to the northwest corner of the Open Hand Temple to enter the Kitchen. In the Kitchen go through the Ornate Wooden Hatch to reach the basement.

In the basement, head east and then south to reach the altar. Pass the [Perception] test to locate two buttons on either side of the statue. Press both the button to open a hidden path between the two statues.

Follow the blood trails northeast to find a pile of bodies. Look in the corpse of Penela Lumpensicks to grab Dribbles’ torso.

3) Clown’s Severed Pelvis Location
Go to the Basilisk Gate waypoint and then head northeast down an alley to find a house with a locked door and a blue mailbox. Lockpick the door and enter to locate Dribble’s pelvis within Gohumberry Tresp’s corpse.

4) Clown’s Severed Arm Location
Go to the Heapside Strand waypoint, then proceed northeast to find a small barricaded house.

Enter inside the house and collect the key from the bookshelves. Move the traveler’s chest to find a hatch.

Open the hatch to enter the basement where you will find the Clown’s Severed Arm on the largest body.

5) Clown’s Severed Leg Location
Go to the Lower City Central Wall waypoint, then head southwest to find Lavernica’s Home.

Enter inside the house and then go through a hatch on the floor.

Inside the basement, navigate past the bodies and grab Dribble’s leg from the body in the middle of the ritual circle.

6) Clown’s Severed Foot Location
Go to the Lower City Central Wall waypoint, then head southwest to find Rainforest’s House. This house is right next to the Beehive General Goods store and west of Sorcerous Sundries.

Enter inside the house and go through a hatch on the floor. In the basement Investigate both bodies to find Dribble’s foot.

7) Clown’s Severed Head Location
In the city’s slums, go to the Temple of Bhaal waypoint and then head north to locate a monolithic stone temple.

Look for a pile of bodies beside one of the talking statues. One of these bodies named Wilting Alex has the Dribbles’ severed head.