There is a total of 12 ducks (5 Black Ducks and 7 Red Ducks) that you will find in Dying Light 2. You can use the 5 Black Ducks to get a secret weapon with Darth Vader’s power and you can use the Red Ducks to get a bicycle. This guide shows the location of all the ducks and how to get the secret items using them.
All 5 Black Ducks Locations & How to use them
There is a total of 5 evil black ducks in the game.
1) VNC Tower Safe
The duck is inside a safe in the VNC Tower. To get to this safe, first you will need to complete the “Broadcast” main quest.

Once you’ve completed the “Broadcast” main quest, enter the VNC Tower and go to the elevator lobby as shown in the picture below. Take the elevator to reach the VNC tower roof.

Jump down from the roof at the location shown in the picture below. The safe is in a room one level below the roof as shown in the second picture below. Jump down the roof and grapple your way inside the room containing the safe.

You will find the clue to get the safe code, kept on a table in the corner of the room. The note says, “If U 555, Then I’m …”. The clue is referring to Slipknot’s The Heretic Anthem. The lyrics of the song contain a line “If you’re 555, then I’m 666”. So, the safe code is 6-6-6. Open the safe and get the rubber duckie.
2) Observatory
The duck is on the top of the tower at the Observatory entrance as shown in the pictures below. After you have completed the “Observatory” main quest, you will be able to go inside the gate. From there you can parkour to the top of the tower and get the back rubber duckie there.

3) Lower Dam Ayre
The duck is in the south portion of Lower Dam Ayre at the location shown below.

4) The Wharf: Undertwater
Go to the northwest portion of The Wharf at the location marked below. This duckie is underwater. Dive into the water at the marked location. On the floor of the water, you will see a submerged car. Lockpick the car boot and you will find the duckie inside it.

5) Houndfield
The duck is on the northwest portion of Houndfield at the location marked below.

How to use the Black Ducks (Doom Easter Egg: Get Secret Weapon)
Once you have the 5 evil black duckies, go to the VNC tower. Take the elevator in the VNC tower and take it to the basement. Go to the flooded portion of the basement and swim straight to reach a yellow gate as shown below.

Open the yellow gate and swim straight ahead until you come out of the water. Open the door in front of you to reach the elevator as shown below. Take this elevator to level 0.

At level 0, you will see 5 altars as shown below. There will be a green and a red terminal behind each altar. First, place the 5 black duckies on the altars. After that, pull the cables from the green terminals and connect them to the red terminals to form a star. Connects the terminals in the pattern described below:
Connect 1 to 3
Connect 3 to 5
Connect 5 to 2
Connect 2 to 4
Connect 4 to 1

Once you have connected the cables, a gun will appear at the center as shown below. Interact with the gun to start a challenge, which plays like the first Doom game.
Note: Because of a bug, many players are not able to place the black duckies on the altars.

As you are playing the challenge, you will reach a location with a zig-zag path, with water on both sides as shown in the picture below. After this path, you will enter a hallway. Interact with the wall on the right side of this hallway to open a secret path.

Continue on this secret path. Eventually, you will reach a little pool with a secret weapon blueprint at the center as shown below.

The name of this secret weapon is Dying Force. When it is equipped, you get the power to choke an army of zombies like Darth Vader.

All 7 Red Ducks Locations & How to use them
There is a total of 7 evil red ducks in the game. You will get these ducks from the safes.
1) Quarry End House Safe
The safe is inside a building in the southern portion of Quarry End at the location marked in the pictures below.

You can enter the building through the window as shown in the picture below.

As you enter the building through the window, you will find a bed in front of you, with a chest resting next to it. Open the chest and you will find a note inside as shown in the picture below. The note contains a little mathematical equation. Solve the equation to get the safe code.

Mathematical Equation: (1000/10)+(3333*2)+220000
Solution: 226766
Enter the safe code (22-67-66) to open the safe. Inside the case, you will find a Red Duckie.
2) Downtown: Bridge Camp Safe
There is a safe in Bridge Camp, which is on the border of Downtown and The Wharf, at the location marked in the pictures below.

The safe is inside a truck as shown below.

Near the truck is a table with a note kept on it as shown below. Take the note to get the clue that will help you get the safe code.
Clue: Date of the announcement of the US Declaration of Independence

The date of the announcement of the US Declaration of Independence is July 4, 1776 (7/4/1776). So, the safe code is 741776. Enter the safe code 74-17-76 to open the safe and get the Red Duck inside.
3) Dam Nightrunner Hideout Safe
The safe is inside a steel shed in the Dam Nightrunner hideout as shown in the pictures below.

Climb to the top of the steel structure above the shed as shown in the picture above. At the topmost level, you will find a box containing a note. Take the note to get the clue that will help you get the safe code.
Clue: Baptism of Poland

“The Baptism of Poland” refers to the ceremony when the first ruler of the Polish state, Mieszko I, and much of his court converted to the Christian religion. The date of Mieszko’s baptism was 14 April 966. So, the safe code is 966. Enter the safe code 9-6-6 to open the safe and get the Red Duckie inside.
4) New Dawn Park Safe
The safe is inside a building near the railway yard in New Dawn Park at the location shown in the picture below. Go inside the building, and you will find the safe on a shelf near the door.

The safe code is inside a cupboard in the same room as the safe as shown in the picture below. Open the cupboard and collect the item inside, which consists of the safe code.

The safe code puzzle is an easter egg referring to the Atomic Bomb (Little Boy) that the USA dropped on Hiroshima in World War 2. The clue is shown in the picture below.

Length = 10 feet
Diameter = 28 inches
Filling Weight = 64 kg
Enter the safe code 10-28-64. Then open the safe to get explosives and the red duckie inside.
5) Saint Paul Island: GRE Container Safe
The safe is inside a GRE container at the southern tip of Saint Paul Island as shown in the pictures below.

After entering the GRE Container, immediately look left and you will find a note on the shelf as shown in the picture below. Take the note to get the clue that will help you get the safe code.
Clue: End of World War 2 (EU)

The clue refers to the date when America began dropping Atomic Bombs on Japan: August 5, 1945 (8/5/1945). So, the safe code is 851945. Enter the safe code 85-19-45 to open the safe and get the Red Duckie inside.
6) Muddy Grounds: GRE Container Safe
There is a secret safe inside a GRE Container at the northwest portion of Muddy Grounds at the location shown in the pictures below. Enter the room, and you will see the safe on top of a cabinet on the right side of the room.

There is a note on a shelf in the GRE Container as shown in the picture below. The note contains a riddle, by solving which you will get the safe code.
Riddle: The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe And Everything [In Binary]

This riddle is the Easter Egg to “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. As per the book, the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything,” calculated by an enormous supercomputer is the Number 42. Number 42 in Binary form is 101010. So, the safe code is 10-10-10. Enter the code to open the safe. Inside the safe, you will find a mine and a duckie.
7) Newfound Lost Lands Safe
The safe is inside a restaurant in Newfound Lost Lands, at the location marked in the pictures below.

Enter the restaurant and go to the kitchen behind the counter. In this room, you will find the safe sitting near a sink as shown in the picture below.

On the counter of the restaurant, you will find a note as shown in the picture below. Take the note to get the clue that will give help you get the safe code.
Clue: Absolute Zero (F)

Absolute zero is the temperature at which a thermodynamic system has the lowest energy. The value of absolute zero is −459 °F on the Fahrenheit temperature scale. So, the safe code is 459. Enter the safe code 4-5-9 to open the safe and get the explosives inside.
How to use Red Ducks (Secret Bicycle)
Once you have the 7 red ducks, go to the VNC Tower Metro at the location marked in the picture below.

AT the marked location, you will find a bicycle leaning against a pillar as shown in the picture below. Interact with the bicycle to start a challenge.

While doing this challenge, drop down from the building and die. When you respawn, go to the location where you fell down and you will see the bicycle there. Now you can pick up this bicycle and ride around the city.