This guide shows the complete walkthrough of the Dung Eater questline in Elden ring. This questline affects the game-ending.
Step 1: Dung Eater Starting Location
Step 2: Find Seedbed Curse #1 (Leyndell)
Step 3: Report back to Dund Eater
Step 4: Find Dung Eater in the Sewer Gaol
Step 5: Go back to Dung Eater in Roundtable Hold
Step 6: Find Dung Eater in Outer Moat
Step 7: Go back to Dung Eater in Roundtable Hold
Step 8: Find Seedbed Curse #2 (Leyndell)
Step 9: Find Seedbed Curse #3 (Volcano Manor)
Step 10: Find Seedbed Curse #4 (Haligtree)
Step 11: Find Seedbed Curse #5
Step 12: Go to Dung Eater in the Sewer Gaol
Step 13: Blessing of Despair Ending
Step 1: Dung Eater Starting Location
Dung Eater appears in the Roundtable Hold after you have visited Leyndell Royal Capital. Talk to him to start the quest.

Step 2: Find Seedbed Curse #1 (Leyndell)
I will show the path to reach the Seedbed Curse from the East Capital Rampart Site of Grace in Leyndell as shown in the pictures below.

From the East Capital Rampart Site of Grace, go out of the door, then turn left and go straight ahead. Shortly, you will reach a door with a big monster in front as shown below. Jump down on the balcony down on the right side here, then go inside the door as shown below.

Go down the elevator on the right side of this room then go straight ahead and enter the building ahead. Climb up the ladder on the right side of this room.

Then climb up the stairs to reach the roof, where you will find a corpse with a Seedbed Curse on it as shown in the picture below.

Step 3: Report back to Dund Eater
Go back to the Roundtable Hold and talk to Dung Eater. He will give you Sewer-Gaol Key and ask you to unshackle his corporeal flesh trapped in the sewer gaol, below the capital.

Step 4: Find Dung Eater in the Sewer Gaol
I will show the path from the Avenue Balcony in Leyndell as shown in the pictures below.

From the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace, go down the stairs and go behind the slanted path leading up as shown in the picture below.

Here you will see a well down below as shown below. Go to the well and then climb down inside the well to reach the underground area.

Open the gate and proceed in a linear path. In a short while, you will reach a big hall. On the left side of this hall, you will have a small room with the Underground Roadside Site of Grace. Near the left corner of this hall, you will see a small hole where you can drop down as shown below.

After dropping down, continue ahead in the tunnel without entering into any other tunnel connected to the main one. At the end of the tunnel, climb up the ladder and then turn right. Open the gate here using the Sewer-Gaol Key to find the Dung Eater as shown in the picture below. Talk to him and ask him to leave his gaol.

Step 5: Go back to Dung Eater in Roundtable Hold
Go back to Dung eater’s location in the Roundtable Hold. You will find a message there asking you to come and find him in Outer Moat.

Step 6: Find Dung Eater in Outer Moat
Go northeast of Leyndell at the location marked in the pictures below. Wait for some time at the highlighted location and you will be invaded by Dung Eater. Defeat him and you will get the Sword of Milos.

Step 7: Go back to Dung Eater in Roundtable Hold
Go back to the Roundtable Hold and talk to Dung Eater. He will ask you to find more Seedbed Curse. There are a total of 5 Seedbed Curse in the game. You will have to find 4 more of them.

Step 8: Find Seedbed Curse #2 (Leyndell)
I will show the path from the West Capital Rampart Site of Grace as shown below.

From the West Capital Rampart Site of Grace, go down the stairs and jump down the rails on the right side. Then climb up the roof on the right side as shown below.

Then enter the building through the door as shown below.

After entering the building, go through the door. Then go straight ahead and turn right at the end. Now you will see two paths. Take the left one and then take right. Go inside the room straight ahead to reach the room with a corpse with a Seedbed Curse on it as shown below.

Step 9: Find Seedbed Curse #3 (Volcano Manor)
This one is in the secret area inside the Volcano Manor. It will take a long path to reach the Seedbed Curse, so I have prepared a separate walkthrough. Click here to see the Volcano Manor Secret Area walkthrough.
Step 10: Find Seedbed Curse #4 (Haligtree)
I will show the path from the Prayer room Site of Grace as shown below.

From the Prayer room Site of Grace, go out the door and proceed straight ahead. Soon you will reach a location with a stair going up and a stair going down as shown below. Go down one flight of stairs and jump down on the right side as you reach the wall, as shown below

Here you will find a gazebo. Climb up the slanted beam behind it as shown in the picture below.

After climbing up the slanted beam, go right. At the end of the path, you will find the Seedbed Curse as shown in the pictures below.

Step 11: Find Seedbed Curse #5 (Haligtree)
Just lie the previous Seedbed Curse, for this one too I will show the path from the Prayer room Site of Grace.
From the Prayer room Site of Grace, go out the door and proceed straight ahead. Soon you will reach a location with a stair going up and a stair going down as shown below. Jump down to the lower level from the right side as shown below.

Jump down one level further below and climb down the stairs as shown below.

Go down the stairs and jump down on the right side from the corner as shown below. You will drop on a platform. Enter the door on this platform.

Go down one flight of stairs then turn right. Here you will have another flight of stairs. Don’t go down this one, instead turn right and jump down to reach the Seedbed Curse as shown in the picture below.

Step 12: Go to Dung Eater in the Sewer Gaol
Go back to Dung Eater in the Sewer Gaol, where you met him before (Refer to Step 4 of this guide). Talk to him and use the Seedbed Curse on him. You will receive Mending Rune of the Fell Curse. Reload the area and go back to Dung eater to get his armor set (Omen Armor Set).

Step 13: Blessing of Despair Ending
Finish the game mend the Elden Ring using the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse for the Blessing of Despair Ending.