Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Evolve Bisharp into Kingambit
This guide shows the quickest way to evolve Bisharp into Kingambit in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which released on 18th November 2022.
How to Evolve Bisharp into Kingambit
To evolve Bisharp into Kingambit, you will first need to catch a Bisharp holding a Leader’s Crest. Go to the North province (Area Two) as shown in the pictures below. Here you will find many Bisharp. Ignore the Bisharps standing alone. Find a Bisharp that is surrounded by Pawniards as shown in the third picture below. Catch this Bisharp and check the status summary. You will see that it is holding a Leader’s Crest. Now find other Bisharps surrounded by Pawniards and use your Bishard, while holding the Leader’s Crest, to capture this Bisharp. Do this three times. Now, when you will level up your Bisharp, it will evolve into Kingambit.