This article will guide the player on how to solve the Felcycle Mount Puzzle for the second of the 12 O’Clock Orb in WOW: The War Within.
Head to the portal room and teleport to The Jade Forest in Pandaria. From The Jade Forest, go to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Fly to the top of Mogu’shan Palace and go behind a structure to find a crystal called the Nyoa Obelisk.

At this location, summon your Perky Pug pet and activate one of these toys: Twitching Eyeball, All-Seeing Eyes, or Gift of N’Zoth.

Stand in front of the statue and type /pray. This will cause the crystal to explode, granting you and everyone nearby the Key of Shadows.
Note: If you don’t have any of these items, simply wait for another player with the required items to activate the crystal. You’ll automatically receive the Key of Shadows.

Then, return to the Felcycle room and unlock the door labeled “430” with the large red button. Inside player will find the second orb activated.